Genetically Modified Foods
What are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)? Organisms created when scientists move the genes they want from one organism to another.
How is that different from breeding? Breeding Farmers and breeders take traits they like, and try to put them into similar species. Only works with similar species. Much slower process Ie: If a breeder wants a smaller dog, he mates two small dogs together. Do that enough, and you get a chihuahua. Genetic Engineering Scientists take traits they like, and put them into any species they want Can work with any species (plants mixed with animals, etc) Faster process. Ie: If a scientist wants to make wheat resistant to an herbicide, he/she might mix animal DNA into the plant.
What are the benefits? Can raise food that: Is more nutritious (put in nutrients we might otherwise not get, like extra vitamins) Grows faster Is more resistant to diseases or insects Uses less resources (like water) to grow
What are the drawbacks? Some people worry that GMOs might not be safe Using more pesticides might make stronger bugs GMO foods can be owned by corporations who have all the advantages
GMA-Animals Animals modified to grow faster and resist disease. Cows produce more milk on less feed. dGG5pVW8&feature=related Chickens are modified so they grow faster at a more rapid rate. PE7FS8W0&feature=related
The Growing Trend in the U.S. ature=relmfu ature=relmfu
Who uses GMOs? In 2003, six countries grew 99% of the world’s GMO food. In % of the 76,000,000 hectares of soybeans planted around the world were transgenic, or genetically modified Between 1996 and 2003, the global area of GMO farms increased from 1.7 million to 67.7 million hectares.
Video Time! Watch the documentary “Food Inc.” Use the information in the video to answer the provided questions.
What do you think? 1.Do you feel comfortable eating GMOs? Why or why not? 2.Do you feel you have enough information to make a good choice? What else do you need/want to know? 3.How should the Canadian government react to concerns about GMOs?