Tyresa Johnson SWK 320
Child Abuse Prevention & Treatment Act (CAPTA) 1974 provided funding to states to support prevention, assessment, investigation, prosecution, and treatment activities (Chapin, 2011). Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)- 1978, created to protect the native American children & their culture. Made it so that native American children went to native American homes (childwelfare.gov, 2012) Family Preservation Act (FPA) 1993, created to “preserve the family”. Provided states with funding for at risk children and families. Provided funding for support services (childwelfar.gov, 2012)
All states get funding through the federal Government for these programs. The states get a certain amount of money to use for these Acts and the programs that go along with them
These Acts were put into place for the importance of: preserving families, their culture, and values Although these Acts were put into to place many people question if they are doing what they are supposed to be doing. Especially with the INCWA
South Dakota 2009 (Beasly,2009)
Beasley, M. (Photographer). (2009). Race/ ethnicity of children in the out-of-home care. [Web Graphic]. Retrieved from welfare-act/ Chapin, R. K. (2011). Social policy for effective practice a strengths approach. (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge. Child Welfare Information Gateway. (2011, April). Child welfare information gateway. Retrieved from Childsworld.ca.gov. (2007) Indian Child Welfare act (ICWA). Retrieved from