Task 1 - The image of Christ as ‘Second Adam’ depends on a comparison between the consequences of his life and actions with the results of the first Adam’s.


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Presentation transcript:

Task 1 - The image of Christ as ‘Second Adam’ depends on a comparison between the consequences of his life and actions with the results of the first Adam’s life and actions. Fill in the table below documenting the differences between the two. (Think about their relationship to God, use of free will, choices and faith.) First ‘Adam’Second Adam –Jesus Christ Alienation Disobeys God Tempted Free will – chose to disobey Sinful Human condition Expelled from paradise Death Lack of faith /trust in God Salvation Obeys God Tempted Free will – chooses to obey Sinless Atonement With God in paradise Eternal life Faith /trust in God

‘First Adam’ in Eden‘Second Adam’ – Jesus Christ Adam sinnedJesus was perfect Adam was tempted by the serpent – and caved in Jesus was tempted by Satan – but resisted Adam disobeyed God Jesus was obedient to the Father Through Adam death entered the worldThrough Jesus eternal life can be gained Adam failed to be a perfect role model Jesus models to mankind how we should live Descendants of Adam are under a curse Believers in Jesus are no longer under the curse Through Adam sin entered the worldThrough Jesus comes forgiveness of sins Through Adam we are born into sin Through Jesus we can be reborn into new life

The Death of Jesus Explained through images, analogies, similes and metaphors, none of which on their own give a full explanation of the significance and meaning of his death.

Physical and spiritual understanding of Resurrection Resurrection is a gift from God. Theologians have debated over what form the resurrected body will take but all believe that there will be eternal life with God for the faithful. Much of the discussion hinges on the understanding of Jesus’ resurrection and whether it should be understood in physical, spiritual or other terms.

Jesus’ resurrection Resurrection as physical fact The gospels all report an empty tomb on Easter morning. Mary Magdalene saw the risen Lord in the garden and the disciples saw him, spoke with him and ate with him. The meaning of the resurrection requires a physical resurrection; otherwise Christians would have used different categories of life after death for their reflections.’ NT Wright

Resurrection of spirit The resurrection is a different sort of existence from an earthly resuscitated body. Resurrection experiences are Christ’s spirit, which survived death, communicating with the disciples. The disciples’ very real experiences led to physical interpretations of resurrection.

Resurrection beyond historical analysis Karl Barth argued that the resurrection was not the sort of event that could be studied by historical enquiry. He saw that the empty tomb proved that the resurrection was not just a spiritual event, but this did not mean that the precise way a corpse was or was not brought back to life was the central issue either. Rather, the New Testament emphasises that the response required to the event was one of faith. Faith in resurrection rather than its historical details is what is most important.

Whatever the nature of the resurrection, as an event it anticipates the resurrection at the end of time and brings forward into history both that resurrection and the full and final revelation of God.

Atonement Analogies A battle – victory over evil An example – of self-sacrifice A sacrifice – for sin A ransom – to set us free A substitute – in our place

A battle – victory over evil But evil still exists today? Jesus’ death was like D-Day (decisive moment that made victory certain). V- Day (official victory day) still to come.

An example – of self-sacrifice But surely we are not meant to sacrifice ourselves like Jesus did? We should live our lives sacrificially by putting others before ourselves. (In most cases this will not lead to death !)

A sacrifice – for sin But isn’t sacrificing animals and people barbaric? So are the consequences of sin; and Jesus death was the final, once and for all sacrifice.

A ransom – to set us free But who was the ransom paid to? Himself? God was buying us back from the slavery of sin and setting us free by paying the price (death) that was laid down for sin.

A substitute – in our place But surely it’s unfair for an innocent man to die for the guilty? Yes, but God was like a loving father choosing to take the punishment for the wrongdoing of his family.

This piece of paper is 3 things: Proof of Purchase – I have purchased the goods Receipt – the store has accepted my payment Guarantee – the goods are fit for purpose

The resurrection of Jesus is: Proof – that he was who he said he was Receipt – God has accepted Jesus’ payment for the sins of the world Guarantee – that those who follow him will also be resurrected

Did Jesus Rise From The Dead? (Debate)

Theories about Jesus’ Resurrection Jesus was not actually crucified but replaced at the last moment by someone who looked like him.

The women went to the wrong tomb on Sunday morning.

Jesus was still alive when he was taken down from the cross, and later managed to escape from the tomb.

The body was stolen: By the disciples By the High Priests By the Romans

The disciples only imagined they saw Jesus – they were suffering from hallucinations. The Witnesses

Jesus did come back from the dead.

2010 Exam Paper Describe the events surrounding the resurrection of Jesus4KU Belief in the resurrection alone is not enough to lead a Christian life.” Do you agree8AE

Describe the events surrounding the resurrection of Jesus. Examples of areas covered: Death in agony on cross Body removed by followers, wrapped and taken to tomb Followers visited tomb to care for body Body was not there Women spoken to Jesus Appearances to followers Ascent to Heaven Christ seen in the flesh by others

“ Belief in the resurrection alone is not enough to lead a Christian life” Do you agree? 8AE Agree Much depends on one’s beliefs about salvation Belief in the Resurrection and what it achieved are fundamental to the Christian life Resurrection demands that you are ‘born again’ in Jesus Christ To believe in the Resurrection but not in the moral life Jesus demanded is incompatible with Jesus’ teaching Jesus required his disciples to be ‘fishers of men’ showing that Resurrection belief alone was insufficient

Disagree Some beliefs in predestination may suggest that God’s will is more important than your personal beliefs in terms of salvation which is part of the Christian life If there is no belief in the Resurrection then there is no point in living a Christian life. The resurrection is a key part of most creeds – morality does not have the same emphasis