Roadmap for Breakthrough Change Dr. Joseph A. DeFeo, CEO Juran Global
Re-define Breakthrough Review a Roadmap for Breakthrough Change My Purpose Today Re-define Breakthrough Review a Roadmap for Breakthrough Change Breakthrough in Q Function
Breakthrough or Breakdown?
than their competitors.” Being Great is a Choice “To achieve superior quality, the best organizations create breakthroughs faster than their competitors.”
Who Was Joseph M. Juran? Called the Father of Modern Day Quality Management Responsible for naming the Pareto Principle Author on the means to attain organizational breakthroughs in quality Dr. Joseph M. Juran founded Juran Institute, Inc. Passed away at 103 years old in 2008 “The most decisive factor in the competition for market leadership is the rate of breakthrough an organization maintains.” - Dr. Joseph M. Juran In 1954, the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers invited the celebrated author to Japan to deliver a series of lectures. These talks about managing for quality were delivered soon after another American, W. Edwards Deming, delivered his lectures on statistical quality methods.
Who is Joe DeFeo?
“Breakthrough is a departure from What Is Breakthrough? “Breakthrough is a departure from the usual, familiar way, into the unknown. It is the means to be the quality leader. “
Breakthrough is Universal “It applies to all cultures, industries, organizations, products, processes and people.” – Dr. Joseph M. Juran
Breakthrough Is Universal “Dr. Juran first described breakthrough as the means to achieving superiority in Quality to gain market leadership.”
Rate of Improvement “The most decisive factor in the competition for market leadership is the rate of breakthrough an organization maintains.” - Joseph M. Juran Source: Quality Handbook, page 150 All Rights Reserved, Juran Institute, Inc. 10
How Does Breakthrough Happen Select Problem More Opportunities Tools: Project Documentation Create Project Tools: Project Charter Breakthrough in Sustainability Breakthrough in Leadership Attitude Replicate & Identify Next Breakthrough Define Problem Breakthrough in Business Results Breakthrough in Organization Structure New Level of Performance Tools: Process Control Plan Tools: SIPOC VOC Matrix MSA Team Dynamics Effective Meetings Team Big Q Breakthrough in Knowledge Hold the Gains Diagnose the Cause Breakthrough in Organization Culture Solutions Tools: DOE Selection Matrix Process Control Plan Implementation Plan Change Management Plan Root Causes Team Dynamics Process Mapping Cause-effect Diagram Stratification Scatter Diagram Tools Pareto Analysis Data Collection Plan Brainstorming Histogram\ Remedy the Cause
Focus of Breakthrough Is Evolving Results Enterprise Focus Process Focus Product Focus People Focus 1950 to today and tomorrow
The Roadmap for Change Sustain Launch Expand Decide Prepare PARTIAL APPROACHES DRIVERS Vision to be the Leader (The Best) New Tech Lean Six Sigma Decide on why you want to change and then what goals will be set Retaining market leadership Customer requirements CMMi Customer dissatisfaction Loss of market share Competition Cost pressures Baldrige Total Quality Continuous Improvement Lean
Build support infrastructure The Roadmap for Change Expand Sustain Decide Prepare Launch Select pilot projects Communicate: Successes Lessons learned Updated plans New techniques Build support infrastructure
Conduct pilot projects The Roadmap for Change Expand Sustain Decide Prepare Launch Conduct pilot projects Complete Projects Develop lessons learned Train Staff & Champions
Build support infrastructure The Roadmap for Change Expand Sustain Decide Prepare Launch Establish Leadership Steering Team Identify Key Players Establish Training Create Metrics Create On-going Project Guidelines Regularly Review Projects/Progress to Goals Build support infrastructure
The Roadmap for Change Sustain Expand Decide Prepare Launch Expand to Organization units Expand projects Different Teams –Design, Improvement, Control, BPM Training Metrics
Reviews & Audits Goals People The Roadmap for Change Key Processes Expand Sustain Decide Prepare Launch Reviews & Audits Goals People Key Processes
Breakthrough in the Quality Function Represent the Customer Quantify Dissatisfaction Nominate with data Do it again, and again Breakthrough in Sustainability Be Leaders, Hang out with CFO Speak Language of Money Learn & Explain the Methods in Their Language Breakthrough in Leadership Attitude Breakthrough in Business Results Create reward for results not activities Take credit wen it is due Challenge the results to make it real Breakthrough in Organization Structure Develop an effective Q Function Understand Breakthrough Do not fall to fads with quick fixes Big Q Breakthrough in Organization Culture Create a change management support plan Communicate project results Recognize efforts Breakthrough in Knowledge Create a training plan Demonstrate the use of data to drive performance Link new data discovered to QC/QA
Breakdown or Breakthrough?
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