Shared LMS Project John Dalling Senior Learning Resources Adviser UWTSD Mark Hughes Head of Collections Swansea University
Photograph by Dave Parker:
‘…It’s not actually going to happen, is it?’
How did we get here? Consortium purchase of Voyager LMS Consortium purchase of Voyager LMS SWWHEP Project SWWHEP Project WHEEL (Welsh Higher Education Electronic Library) WHEEL (Welsh Higher Education Electronic Library) Scoping exercise Scoping exercise JISC Feasibility Study JISC Feasibility Study
Photograph by BuzzFarmers:
Photograph by ryanr :
,000 partners staff libraries customers
10,000,000 Bibliographic records
Photograph by tableatny:
Photograph by Tambako the Jaguar :
Project Structure Project Working Group Appointed Project Manager Report to WHELF Steering Group – Signed off timeline / road-map Requirements Sub-Group – Subdivided requirements – Leads and seconds for each category Building on expertise of individual institutions Technical and business change leads Image:
Project Timeline 11/9/13 Project Group First Meeting 25/1/14 Issue OJEU Notice and PQQ 7/3/14 Deadline for PQQ Responses 10/4/14 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Issued 20/5/14 Deadline for ITT Responses July 2014 Completion of Evaluation Activity Summer 2014 Contract start date Mid 2015 First tranche of installations live End 2016 All partners live on new LMS
Photograph by Steve Greer:
Photograph by Nico Trinkhaus:
Photograph by JD Hancock: