Technology Enhanced Learning
SPCO104/TEPE102 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology Students in Bed(PE)(Hons), and BSpC Year 1, Semester 1 course – set the scene 2 hour “lead lecture” 1 hour “lab” 1 hour “tutorial” Lots of our students avoided science in school – the challenge – engage!
Weekly Section per week Readings (Course text + Other) Multichoice Quiz Seminar Learning Outcomes Powerpoints Lab Experience Worksheet (& Answers)
Lectures – 2 hours to learn and engage Encourage attendance – welcome/chat in breaks Roll – informal surveys ‘Draw a smiley to show how the year is going for you’ ‘On a scale of 1(argh!) to 5(yay!)’: ‘How is this year going for you?’ ‘How confident are you about the first test?’ Pop Quizzes Videos Activities
Labs – a place to play Weekly labs – the harder the material, the brighter and sillier the demos! Varied and fun experiences Cell structure: vocal choir Joints: knee dissection Nervous system: Multi-coloured card metre-long card neurons Muscle contraction: pipe-cleaner models Skeletal system: build skeleton from pile of bones
Extras make a difference Highly-accessible lecturers Next day exam return EQ / SnowDay off-site tutorials Past papers (and answers) Kicking off revision…
Pub quiz! (without the pub…)