Presented By Tony Morelli
Outline Intro/Problem description Visual Network Representations Numerical Network Representations Questions/Comments
INTRO Has the organization of the video game industry changed in the last 20 years? Consoles Game Titles Producers Developers
Consoles to Analyze Group A – Classic Consoles Atari 2600 (1977)
Consoles to Analyze Group A – Classic Consoles Atari 2600 (1977) Nintendo Entertainment System (1983)
Consoles to Analyze Group A – Classic Consoles Atari 2600 (1977) Nintendo Entertainment System (1983) Sega Master System (1985)
Consoles to Analyze Group B – Current Consoles XBOX 360 (2005)
Consoles to Analyze Group B – Current Consoles XBOX 360 (2005) Playstation 3 (2006)
Consoles to Analyze Group B – Current Consoles XBOX 360 (2005) Playstation 3 (2006) Nintendo Wii (2006)
Where is the data? (Classic Consoles) (Current Consoles) Console,Title,Developer,Publisher
Background/Related Work Comparison has not previously been done Need to investigate techniques for network comparison
Methods of Comparison Graphical Numeric
Soft Drink Industry
Seed Industry Consolidation
Non-Scientific Network
Graphical Representation Use Colors and Sizes Use Pajek to Generate Use morphing animation to show changes from classic vs current
Graphical Difference How do the two graphs differ visually? Hypothesis – Current consoles have less producers with more content than classic.
Numerical Analysis Several Studies have been done showing numerical analysis of networks Important to find metrics and comparison methods
Network Topologies, Power Laws, and Hierarchy Published June 2001 Analyzes Topology Generators
Network Topologies, Power Laws, and Hierarchy Internet researches had used GT-ITM Tiers Generated a simulated internet to test and analyze
Network Topologies, Power Laws, and Hierarchy Faloutsos found: Internet’s degree distribution is power law Generated topologies are not Therefore generated topologies are a poor choice to run studies on
Network Topologies, Power Laws, and Hierarchy This paper focusses on a comparison of Degree-based generators ○ Degree Distribution is the focus Structural generators ○ A hierarchical structure is the focus
Network Topologies, Power Laws, and Hierarchy Found Degree Based Generators are better Based on the metrics they used What are these metrics?
Network Topologies, Power Laws, and Hierarchy Metrics Expansion ○ “The average fraction of nodes in the graph that fall within a ball of radius r, centered at a node in the topology
Network Topologies, Power Laws, and Hierarchy Metrics Resilience ○ How tolerant is the network to failures? ○ Cut a single link in a tree No longer connected ○ Cut a single link in a random graph Probably OK ○ Average cut-set size within an N node ball around any node in the topology
Network Topologies, Power Laws, and Hierarchy Metrics Distortion ○ Take a random node and all nodes connected to it within n hops ○ Create a spanning tree on this subgraph ○ The average distance between vertices that are connected in the original subgraph is the distortion
Network Topologies, Power Laws, and Hierarchy What metrics will I use from this paper? Expansion seems good Distortion and Resilience probably will not be used.
Comparison of Translations How accurate are software based translators? Portuguese->Spanish Portuguese->English
Comparison of Translations Translators compared Human translated Free Translation Intertran
Comparison of Translations Methods Model translated text as a directed graph Nodes connected together based on sequence of appearance in translation The 2 machine translated networks compared to the human translated network
Comparison of Translations Metrics In-degree ○ Frequency a word was the second word Out-degree ○ Frequency a word was the first word Clustering Coefficient ○ How much does the graph cluster together
Comparison of Translations Results Closer the In-Degree - More accurate translation Closer the Out-Degree - More accurate translation
Comparison of Translations ODIDCCODIDCC Human Apertium Intertran Results Avg Pearson Coefficient Avg Angular Coefficient
Comparison of Translations Results
Comparison of Translations Which metrics to use? In-degree – Not relevant Out-degree – Could be useful Clustering Coefficient - Useful
Food-web structure and network theory Are food web networks small world or scale free? Food Webs Relationships in ecosystems ○ Who eats who 16 food webs nodes in each web
Food-web structure and network theory Metrics Average shortest path length between all pairs of species Clustering Coefficient Average fraction of pairs of species one link away from a species that are also linked to each other Cumulative degree distribution Connectance ○ The fraction of all possible links that are realized in a network
Food-web structure and network theory Results Some characteristics met the standards for small world and scale free Clustering was low ○ Could be because of network size
Finding the Most Prominent Group in Complex Networks Group Betweenness Centrality Used to evaluate the prominence of a group of vertices Might be time consuming to evaluate
Finding the Most Prominent Group in Complex Networks The study evaluates quick methods of finding the most prominent group
Finding the Most Prominent Group in Complex Networks 2 algorithms Heuristic Search Greedy Choice
Finding the Most Prominent Group in Complex Networks 2 algorithms (Lots of math) Heuristic Search ○ Fastest Greedy Choice ○ Most accurate
Finding the Most Prominent Group in Complex Networks Useful to this project? Video game network is probably too small to benefit from either method
Statistical Methods of Complex Networks Average Path Length Clustering Coefficient Degree Distribution Spectral Properties Directly related to the graph’s topological features
Statistical Methods of Complex Networks Metrics Used Average Path Length ○ Not very useful for Video Game network Clustering Coefficient ○ Will use Degree Distribution ○ Will use Spectral Properties ○ Topology is already known – not useful
Apply to video games Graphical Size and color ○ Larger node has more titles tied to it ○ Colorize publishers to easily distinguish ○ Create an animation of classic to current
Apply to video games Numerical Clustering Coefficient Average out degree Expansion at each level All will be normalized by number of titles
Work so far… Scraper has been written Written in C# Crawled the websites to gather console, publisher, developer, title for all six consoles
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