Autism Join together, our pieces forever. Madi, Rachel, Megan, Morgan, and Charlie
Who? Autism affects all races and ethnic groups. It is estimated that one in every 166 children are affected by autism. We have the power to help.
What? If we do nothing to help, it will just keep getting worse. Autism is the only dramatically raising disorder. A new case of autism is diagnosed almost every 20 minutes in the United States. There are about 1.5 million autistic people in the United States. Wearing ribbons
When? The first case was discovered in the United States.
Where? Autism is a world wide disorder that most countries don’t acknowledge. It is hard to get a range on where autism is most common due to some people being in denial. Also, medical doctors in some countries don’t know how to recognize autism.
How? Autism can occur at birth. There is no current cure for autism. Some vaccines are being tested to see if they are giving children and adults autism.
Why? One in three autistic children are violent. It’s a serious disorder. Could lead to teasing and possible suicide.
What do the colors and pieces on the ribbon mean?
What will we do with the puzzle pieces? The puzzle pieces that we sold for $1 will go toward buying toys for the children. We want them to be able to find comfort in the toys.
What would we do with Your money? We would use 25% of your money for the walk for Autism. We would use 10% of your money plus 50% of the money we make from the walk to buy toys for the kids who have autism. (All kids that have it in the area of the walk) We would use 50% of your money to do more autism research concerning vaccines and cures. The other 25% from the walk and the 15% you give us will go toward getting better programs for children with autism. The other 25 % that we make from the walk will go toward paying the workers that helped in the walk- including you.
How much are we asking for? $200,000 Will be spent as shown in the pie chart below. 25% goes back to all that helped with the walk 25% goes toward the walk merchandise 50% for research 15% for better programs in schools- for children with autism 10% to provide toys for children with autism Please support me. I didn’t choose to have a disorder.
Please consider our ideas and statistics.