Depression is very common There is no single cause for depression Many factors play a role -genetics, -environment, - life events, -and the way people react to things that happen in their lives.
Symptoms of Depression depressed mood or sadness lack of energy and feeling tired inability to enjoy things that used to bring pleasure withdrawal irritability, anger, or anxiety inability to concentrate significant weight loss or gain significant change in sleep patterns
feelings of guilt or worthlessness aches and pains pessimism and indifference thoughts of death or suicide When someone has five or more of these symptoms most of the time for 2 weeks or longer, that person is probably depressed.
Normal Sadness ups and downs sadness is a natural emotion normal stresses of life: -an argument with a friend, -a breakup, -doing poorly on a test, -not being chosen for a team, -or a best friend moving out of town
Depression is... Depression is a strong mood involving: -sadness, -discouragement, -despair, -or hopelessness Physical symptoms too!
Depression Research Article Being in a Funk
Barriers to treatment: concerns about parent involvement mental illness diagnosis
modified grounded theory approach. teens from a local high school 90-minute afterschool focus group interview
Interview questions about (a) participants’ understanding of why they were depressed, (b) their process of examining their feelings and determining whether they needed professional help, (c) the process of obtaining professional treatment (if applicable), and (d) how they made sense of depression.
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