COPD is a major global health problem. Cigarette smoking is the main cause, and is increasing in the developing countries as a result of targeting by tobacco industry. Air pollution, also etiologically important, is also increasing, and there is huge unmet need for effective treatment Despite this COPD has been received relatively little attention compared to asthma
Stop smoking slow the progression of COPD Immunization against influenza and Pneumococci Glucocorticoids are generally ineffective like in asthma Short and long acting bronchodilators can provide useful palliation in patient with reversible component
Theophylline can be given orally but of uncertain benefit Doxapram (respiratory stimulant) are sometimes used to in patient who developed respiratory failure but have largely been replaced by ventilatory support long term oxygen therapy at home prolong life in patient with sever disease and hypoxemia if they stop smoking only to avoid oxygen fire
Treated with inhaled oxygen (24-28%) Avoid giving high concentration of oxygen so not to terminate the hypoxic drive which will lead to CO2 retention Broad spectrum antibiotics including activity against haemophilus influnzae
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