New Teaching & Learning Strategy – Self-Discovery Learning AimsMeans Arouse students’ interest and enthusiasm in learning Liberal Studies Teachers as facilitator and not transmitter of knowledge. Students take initiation and control over their learning sense of ownership in learning Redesigning of the S1-3 school-based curriculum focus on the learning process and outcome. New Teaching & Learning Strategy – Self-Discovery Learning
AimsMeans Improvement on the various generic and communication skills of students Group project presentation Report / Essay writing critical thinking Base group discussion sharing & report Giant poster drawing Collaborative team works Project-based learning – collection, selection, organization and presentation of data.
New Teaching & Learning Strategy – Self-Discovery Learning Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5 General introduction of the main issues of the topic by teachers Students engage on their own research work Student presentat- ion Q & A and peer evaluation Teacher’s summary and consolid- ation
Step 1: Instruction guideline to students At the beginning of each unit, teachers give students a task to complete, outlining the main together with an assessment rubric for the evaluation of students performance. Project Planning Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 Action Plan Develop- ment No constructive time plan and action plan are developed. Able to develop brief time plan and action plan under teacher’s supervision. Able to develop constructive and feasible time plan and action plan under teacher’s supervision. Able to develop constructive and feasible time plan and action plan independ- ently. Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 I nformat- ion Presenta t-ion Unable to fully understand the information collected and make errors in presentation. Fail to present the information in an effective way which facilitates readers’ understanding. Able to understand the information collected and able to present it accurately, but fail to present them in an effective way which facilitates readers’ understanding Able to understand the information collected and able to present it accurately. Show efforts to present the information in an effective way which facilitates readers’ understanding Able to understand the information collected. Able to present the information in an effective way which facilitates readers’ understanding
Stage 2: Students engage on their own research work Students assess websites to search for information High degree of collaboration and cooperation team spirit
Stage 3: Student presentation S1E students presented the giant poster of “Origin of the Earth” Mythical explanation concerning the origin of the earth
Stage 4: Question & Answer Time Students answer questions from their classmates Students shared their feeling of investigating the origin of the earth.
Stage 5: Teacher consolidation To summarize the unit, teacher introduces basic information concerning the earth with the aid of the globe.
Concept-based instruction Facts Arguments /principles Concepts
Learning & Teaching InputOutput Process Teachers MUST be reflective practitioners Evidence-based Assessment Teacher Portfolio Student Portfolio School-based Curriculum Cooperative Learning
Learning & Teaching InputOutput Process Teachers MUST be reflective practitioners Evidence-based Assessment Teacher Portfolio School-based Curriculum - Cooperative Learning Student Portfolio
Cooperative Learning 3-4 student in one Base Group experience sharing ; mutual support continuous assessment ; self-directed learning 3-4 student in one Base Group experience sharing ; mutual support continuous assessment ; self-directed learning
Positive Interdependence 互賴達標 Individual Accountability 個人承責 Face to Face Interaction 積極互動 Social Skills 社交技巧 Group Processing 小組反思 5 Basic Elements of Cooperative Learning
Base Group Roles Base Group Head (coordinates group meeting/activity and acts as a bridge between group members and class teacher/mentor) Secretary (Responsible for writing weekly group process report) Quality Controller Ensuring group members can catch up with their studies and enjoy school life Housekeeper (Responsible for ensuring groups members have submitted in their home assignment, reply slips, etc.)
Cooperative Learning Peer Review (proof-reading)
Cooperative Learning Peer Coaching Think-Pair-Share High achievers helping low achievers
Paradigm Shift in & Assessment From formal assessment of learning to continuous assessment for learning using standard-referenced criteria. Examination only constitutes 50% of the total scores. The other 50% consists of – Homework assignments – Uniform tests – Informal quiz – Base group report & presentation
Using standard-referenced criteria in newspaper cutting assessment Level 5Level 4Level 3Level 2Level 1 Appropriateness of the choice of issue/ news (if applicable) and originality Students choose the news appropriately with importance. Students use their own words to write the journal. - Students choose the news with fair importance and appropriateness. Students partly use their own words to write the journal and partly copy from the news. - Students choose a piece of irrelevant news. Students directly copy and paste the content of the news as their journal entry. Application of concepts More than 4 concepts are applied appropriately with explanation. Only 4 concepts are applied appropriately with explanation. Only 3 concepts are applied appropriately with explanation. Only 2 concepts are applied appropriately with explanation. Only 1 concept is applied appropriately with explanation. Depth of the description Abundant information is given. All explanations are clearly presented which could help to facilitate the understanding of the readers. Basic and sufficient information is given and most of the explanations are clearly presented. Basic information is given and most of the explanations are presented superficially. Insufficient information is given. Some of the ideas are explained vaguely. Insufficient and irrelevant information is given. Most of the ideas are explained vaguely. Demonstration of critical thinking Three or more than three arguments with abundant and strong evidences are given. Only three arguments with sufficient evidences are given. Two arguments with abundant and strong evidences are given. Only 2 arguments with evidences are given. Only 1 argument is given. 」
S3 Project Round Table Assessment