How the Bible Came to Us Introduction to Text Types & The Unity of the Bible
Introduction to Text Types Byzantine As one examines the multitude of NT mss, it becomes clear that they can be grouped by “families” or “text-types” based on agreements where readings differ. These differences and the resulting text types evidently arose due to scribes who used varying guidelines as they copied the NT books in different parts of the Mediterranean world. The earliest translations of the NT were in three languages: Syriac, Latin, and Coptic. The absence of early readings for the Byzantine text type has led most (not all!) to conclude that it came as a result of bringing the other families in line with each other. Byzantine
Introduction to Text Types Byzantine KJV (1611) ERV (1881) ASV (1901) Douai (1610) RSV NASB NIV ESV NKJV
Examples of Variant Readings ReferenceByzantine Supported Alexandrian Supported Matt 5:44 bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you. and pray for those who persecute you. Matt 27:35 And they crucified Him, and divided up His garments, casting lots, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, they divided my garments among themselves, and over my vesture they cast lots. And they crucified Him, and divided up His garments, casting lots.
The Unity of the Bible
The Storyline of the Bible Despite being written by forty different human authors over a period of some 1500 years, the Bible has a continuous storyline that runs from Genesis to Revelation...another evidence that God Himself is the original author. It is a story of redemption and restoration, not only of the souls of men, but of all Creation. –Compare Gen 1 – 2 with Revelation 21 – 22.
What is the Unifying Theme of the Bible? Scholars offer a variety of answers: –The mighty acts of God –Covenant –Promise –The Kingdom of God Though there have been exceptions in history, most today would agree that both the OT and NT are equally important as God’s Word. But there is serious debate as to how these two sections of Scripture relate to each other.
How do the OT and NT Relate to Each Other? Allegorical Approach –One of the earliest methods of determining meaning from the OT. –Popularized by Origen and others near Alexandria. –Interprets true meaning as going beyond the mere literal meaning of the text. Typological Approach –Interprets OT persons, events, or things as foreshadowing of persons, events, or things in the NT. –While there are legitimate types in the OT, the method is subject to abuse and should be restricted to clear NT identifications. Thematic Unity Approach –Themes and ideas first set forth in the OT are further advanced in the NT.
How do the OT and NT Relate to Each Other? Promise and Fulfillment Approach –The two testaments are linked by promises given by God in the OT which have been fulfilled in the NT (e.g. Matthew, Joel 2 in Acts 2, etc.). –Yet much OT prophecy concerning the 2 nd coming of Christ remains to be fulfilled. Canonical Approach –The OT is interpreted by the NT, and the NT is understood through the OT, but it is all about one Lord. Progressive Development Approach –God’s revelation increased and progressed through time. Later revelation should be read in light of earlier revelation, not vice versa.
The Kingdom of God through the Old and New Testaments Northern Kingdom Southern Kingdom 722 BC 586 BC 1000 years New heavens & earth 7 “Mysteries of the Kingdom” (Matt 13) Descent of the Spirit Rapture Return of Christ Prophets speak of coming Messiah
Next Time: The Canonization of the OT