1 Concluding Remarks & Future Plans Paul Pisano, Team Leader Road Weather Management Federal Highway Administration Washington, DC MDSS Stakeholder Meeting Falls Church, VA August 10-11, 2006
2 MDSS: Is this the end? In a word: NO! FHWA is continuing to support MDSS –Technology Transfer RFP Compilations FHWA RoadShows –Upgrading the prototype with a new pavement model and upgraded GUI Release 5.0 CD (available summer ’07) –Conferences (AMS, TRB, ITS-America, etc) –MDSS Stakeholder Meeting in fall 2007! –Cost/Benefit Analyses
3 Road Weather Activities in ‘07 X-DSS Stakeholder Meetings –Summer Maintenance –Traffic Management National Summit on Surface Transportation Weather sponsored by FHWA, TRB, AMS and OFCM Eastern Snow Expo sponsored by FHWA, AASHTO, and Ohio DOT
4 Contact Information Paul Pisano –Team Leader, Road Weather Management – Pat Kennedy –Transportation Specialist –