5.6 Energy Dispersion – Group Velocity
Non-dispersive waves (movie) Wave 1: K1, C1 Wave 2: K2, C2 K2=1.4*k1 C2=C1 The phase shift between the two waves does not change, so the total wave group does NOT change with time. It propagates at the same speed as individual waves. Nondispersive waves
Dispersive waves-1 (movie) Wave 1: K1, C1 Wave 2: K2, C2 K2=1.4*k1 C2=1.4*C1 The phase shift between the two waves changes with time, so the total wave group changes with time. Dispersive
Dispersive waves (snapshots) t=t0 t=t1 x v’ x The waves spread in space and the wave height decreases in time (the wave group broadens in time and energy is dispersed).
Internal Gravity waves (movie) The vertical phase velocity and the vertical group velocity have opposite directions. Cg Cp Cg Cp
1-D Rossby waves (movie) Assume U=0, C g >0: eastward (following the wave envelop) C p <0: westward (following the red circle)
2-D Rossby Waves (t = Day -5) (t = Day 0) (t = Day +5)
Stationary Rossby Waves Years: Nino : : : : : : : : : 1.162