Planned future developments of EU-SILC Didier Dupré EUROSTAT – Unit F4 UNECE seminar on poverty measurement, 5-6/05/2015
Modernisation of social statistics Policy context Increased demand of timely and reliable data on the social situation in Europe, still more in economic crisis time Social indicators at a par with economic indicators Modernisation of EU social statistics: increasing responsiveness to user needs and rationalisation in times of resource constraints Streamlining and integration of data collections, modularisation of social surveys, more standardisation of variables and improved statistical frames. Increased use of administrative data UNECE seminar on poverty measurement, 5-6/05/2015 2
EU-SILC revision & improvements The ongoing revision of EU-SILC is part of the modernisation of social statistics The multidimensional aspect of living conditions and social inclusion / exclusion is also a key driver of the EU-SILC revision EU-SILC is a complex survey involving different challenging methodological problems ➜ The contribution from researchers is therefore a vital element for improving EU-SILC (variance, material deprivation, now-casting) UNECE seminar on poverty measurement, 5-6/05/2015 3
Eurostat 4 Strands for SILC revision UNECE seminar on poverty measurement, 5-6/05/2015
Eurostat SILC Revision - contents
Eurostat 6 Precision requirements National and regional level UNECE seminar on poverty measurement, 5-6/05/2015
Eurostat Significant evolutions? Net changes UNECE seminar on poverty measurement, 5-6/05/ MS Y/N EU Y BE20.8 N BG (Y) CZ N DK Y DE N EE N IE Y EL Y FR N IT Y CY Y LV N MS Y/N LT (N) LU Y HU Y MT Y NL N AT (Y) PL Y PT N RO Y SI Y SK N FI Y SE Y
Eurostat 8 Longitudinal component UNECE seminar on poverty measurement, 5-6/05/2015
Eurostat 9 Longitudinal component year: y y+2 y+4 y+6 y+8 y+10 Panel P p p p p p p p p p p p p Total annual sample Of which for the Permanent AROP UNECE seminar on poverty measurement 5-6/05/2015
Eurostat 10 Improvement of timeliness – Action plan UNECE seminar on poverty measurement, 5-6/05/2015
Eurostat 11 Severe MD – Early data 2013 data published 06/2014, 16 MS (and Norway and Iceland) 2014 data published 03/ MS (and Iceland + CY now also available) Improvement of timeliness UNECE seminar on poverty measurement, 5-6/05/2015
Eurostat 12 Multidimensional aspect of poverty AROPE (at risk poverty & social exclusion) AROP (monetary poverty) SMD (severe material deprivation) LWI (very low work intensity) UNECE seminar on poverty measurement, 5-6/05/2015
Eurostat People at risk of poverty and social exclusion (2012: ; 2013: million) UNECE seminar on poverty measurement, 5-6/05/
Eurostat 14 Improvement of MD measurement (1) UNECE seminar on poverty measurement, 5-6/05/2015
Eurostat 15 Improvement of MD measurement (2) UNECE seminar on poverty measurement, 5-6/05/2015
Eurostat 16 Improvement of MD measurement (3) UNECE seminar on poverty measurement, 5-6/05/2015
Eurostat 17 Time schedule for EU-SILC revision UNECE seminar on poverty measurement, 5-6/05/2015
Conclusions The expectations on high quality and timely data to analyse the social situation have increased among users as a consequence of the economic crisis EU-SILC is in this context particularly solicited The revision of EU-SILC tries to respond to these demands; some elements are already being implemented in the current EU-SILC This process tackles also some specific aspects of EU-SILC needing improvements The complexity of EU-SILC makes also indispensable the use of tools developed by researchers UNECE seminar on poverty measurement, 5-6/05/