Radiation Therapy By: Emma, Jose, Dan
What is radiation treatment? When is it used? What is radiation treatment? When is it used? Radiation therapy uses high-energy radiation to shrink tumors and kill cancer cells (1). X-rays, gamma rays, and charged particles are types of radiation used for cancer treatment.
What are the side effects of radiation treatments? Some of the most common side effects are fatigue, skin damage, hair loss, sore mouth and tooth decay, & gastrointestinal problems.
What are effects of radiation treatment? effects by damaging normal, healthy cells near the cancer
What are the remedy for side effects of radiation? THC, the element of marijuana that causes a high, also promotes appetite. THC also has a numbing effect and can help relieve the deep muscle pain associated with chemotherapy. THC can be found in a pill form if smoking is not advisable. Medical marijuana is still illegal in most states
What are the side effect of radiation on the brain? sideeffects radiationbrain One of the most common side effects of radiation to the brain is hair loss
What are risks of radiation treatment? riskradiation treatment The development of a second type of cancer is the most serious risk from radiation and chemotherapy treatment for Hodgkin's disease.