Ultimate Job Search Workshop – Moving Beyond the Traditional Approach
Purpose Audience This face-paced, highly interactive two and a half day workshop is beneficial for facilitators who want to enhance their facilitation techniques for current workshops and implement the Ultimate Job Search DVD and workbook. Competency Learn creative and effective facilitation techniques to bring energy, motivation and excitement to workshops.
Agenda (2.5 days) Elements of Starting the Job Search Skills, Work Preferences, Financial Management, Job search Portfolio, Stress Management Job Search Techniques ◦ Networking, Research, Job Applications, Applying Online, Career Websites Writing Effective Resumes ◦ Formats, References, Guidelines, Federal, Electronic, Cover Letters Interviewing with Confidence ◦ Preparing for Interviews, Employers Questions, Applicant Questions, Follow-up Salary Success on the Job ◦ First Day, Professional Work Habits, Teamwork, Promotions Facilitation ◦ Techniques, DVD, Workbook
Benefits of The Workshop Group Interactivity Classroom Gaming DVD, online and multi-media modalities Proven, effective facilitator techniques Increased learning of job search techniques Participants will learn numerous training techniques to take their training to the next level. Including:
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