TODAY’S AGENDA Make the Most of this Summer! Your College Essays Common Application/ CUNY Application Teacher Recommendation Letters Deadlines Deadlines Deadlines! Early Action & Early Decision Fee Waivers Scholarship Hunting! Questions & Answers
MAKE THE MOST OF THIS SUMMER! Research Colleges Narrow Down Your List Visit Colleges Get started on your essays! Continue to Build your experience with Summer Programs, Volunteer Opportunities, a Job, etc.
COLLEGE ESSAY WRITING/ PERSONAL STATEMENT This is Your Personal Statement! Tell YOUR story! What sets you apart? Speak from the heart…. Proofread, Proofread, Proofread! Do not recycle essays- make sure you are answering the specific questions asked by each school. NOTHING IS OPTIONAL!
COMMON APPLICATION Usually goes live on August 1 st Start working on the common application at You can save your application until it is ready to be sent. Recommended to complete two personal essays that are on the common application. Some schools require an additional essay. SCHOOLS NOT LISTED ON COMMON APPLICATION Go to the schools website and download the application and complete
APPLYING TO CUNY & SUNY Must apply to CUNY at Deadline for CUNY: Feb 1 st You may apply to six (6) CUNY colleges. Macaulay Honors College: You may apply six colleges. These schools must be listed in preference order. When you apply to Macaulay Honors, you cannot apply regular admission to CUNY. Deadline: Dec. 1 st Must apply to SUNY via the Common Application- unless the SUNY campus you are applying to is not on the Common App.
COUNSELOR & TEACHER RECOMMENDATIONS How many Teacher Recs do I need? Who should I ask? What should I provide my Teacher with to help them write the best possible letter about me!? How do these get sent to colleges?
DEADLINES! DEADLINES! DEADLINES! College Office Deadlines Colleges Deadline BE AWARE & BE ORGANIZED!
EARLY ACTION & EARLY DECISION EARLY Decision (BINDING)- Can only do for 1 school! EARLY ACTION (NON-BINDING) Advantages & Disadvantages
FEE WAIVERS Fee Waivers available in Rm. 7E2- during lunch periods ONLY! Students who are Free or Reduced Lunch Eligible may receive the following Fee Waivers: Exams: SAT I & II ACT College Applications: 4 College Board Fee Waivers 10 NACAC Fee Waiver CUNY- Must apply FIRST!- We receive a very minimum amount of CUNY Fee Waivers- First come- First served!
FINANCIAL AID – PROJECT YOUR COLLEGE COSTS! Learn your “Expected Family Contribution” Get your hands on your 2011 tax returns Complete the “FAFSA 4caster” Visit the financial aid website of your top choice colleges and complete the “net price calculator” or “cost of attendance” calculator to find out, roughly, what it will cost to attend that school.
SCHOLARSHIP SEARCH – NOW IS THE TIME! Check your BTHS monthly for updates from Mr. Stevens Open your Naviance account, select “Scholarship Match” Investigate scholarships with fall semester deadlines first Set up an account at fastweb.com Students of color with 95+ GPA should investigate Gates Millennium and Quest bridge scholarships Students of color with 88+ GPA should investigate the APISAF, HSF and UNCF scholarship websites.
COLLEGE OFFICE EVENTS- FALL 2012 Are you receiving s from the College Office? Do you Read them!??? Several Panel Presentations and College Visits scheduled for the upcoming weeks! Financial Aid Night And more to come….Keep reading your weekly Newsletter for Updates!
QUESTIONS!??? Do not hesitate to ask! Please make sure to read through the College Office handbook which is posted on bths.edu under “College Office” link! Also, make sure to read ALL s that come from the College Office or your Counselor!