Alternative Energy : Biomass By: Araceli Gallegos
Biomass is organic matter, especially plant matter, that can be converted to fuel and is regarded as a potential energy source. Biomass is one of the most renewable energy sources.
Biogas, which is gas created from Biomass and it typically refers to a mixture of different gases produced by the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. The potential energy in biomass can be produced from raw materials such as agricultural waste, manure, municipal waste, plant material, sewage, green waste or food waste. This is then burned to created kinetic energy and is converted to fuel trucks, cars, and buses.
Biomass heating technologies use organic matter, such as wood, wood pellets and yard waste, to produce heat for homes and businesses. Biomass heating systems are versatile, and can be designed for homes and businesses of all sizes. Wood pellets are typically used to fuel the biomass heating system to heat up homes and businesses.
Biomass fuel is derived from timber, agriculture and food processing wastes or from fuel crops that are specifically grown or reserved for electricity generation. Power plants burn the biomass fuel directly in boilers that supply steam for steam-electric generators used to burn fossil fuels. With biomass gasification, biomass is converted into a gas - methane - that can then fuel steam generators, combustion turbines, combined cycle technologies or fuel cells. The primary benefit of biomass gasification, compared to direct combustion, is that extracted gasses can be used in a variety of power plant configurations.
Reduce Dependency on Fossil Fuels It has developed as an alternate source of fuel for many homeowners and have helped them to reduce their dependency on fossil fuels. Inefficient as Compared to Fossil Fuels Ethanol, as a biodiesel is very inefficient when compared to gasoline, and it often has to be mixed with some gasoline to make it work properly. On top of that, ethanol is harmful to combustion engines over long term use.
Abundant and Renewable Biomass products are abundant and renewable. Since they come from living sources, and life is cyclical, these products potentially never run out, so long as there is something living on earth and there is someone there to turn that living things components and waste products into energy. Requires More Land Combustion of biomass products require some land where they can easily be burnt. Since, it produces gases like methane in atmosphere; therefore it can be produced in those areas which are quite far from residential homes.
No Harmful Emissions Biomass energy, for the most part, creates no harmful carbon dioxide emissions. Many energy sources used today struggle to control their carbon dioxide emissions, as these can cause harm to the ozone layer and increase the effects of greenhouse gases, potentially increasing global warming. Harmful to Environment Using animal and human waste to power engines may save on carbon dioxide emissions, but it increases methane gases, which are also harmful to the Earth’s— ozone layer. There is also the smell to consider. While it is not physically harmful, it can attract unwanted pests and spread bacteria and infection.
To encourage the use of Biomass Fuel in the future we must educate people on all the good Biomass could do. We could never run out of energy with Biomass. It is all natural matter that can be easily obtained and used.
"The Different Uses of Wood Energy." Planète Énergies. Web. 20 Feb "The Different Uses of Wood Energy." Planète Énergies. Web. 20 Feb "Renewable Natural Gas (Biomethane)." Alternative Fuels Data Center: Biogas. Web. 20 Feb "Renewable Natural Gas (Biomethane)." Alternative Fuels Data Center: Biogas. Web. 20 Feb Web. 20 Feb Web. 20 Feb "How Biomass Energy Works." Union of Concerned Scientists. Web. 20 Feb "How Biomass Energy Works." Union of Concerned Scientists. Web. 20 Feb "What Is BIOMASS?" Web. 20 Feb