2010 National Information and Innovation Centre for the volunteering and self-help network in Finland
© Kansalaisareena 2010 Objectives: To promote an environment that enables active citizenship and voluntary activity in the Finnish society To promote positive recognition of volunteering in society To develop expertise on volunteering and active citizenship in society To promote volunteering through network building To promote and to enhance international cooperation of Finnish voluntary network To promote participation, joint action and networking Methods: Local and national events for networking and joint action Training, consultative services, support and guidance –websitewww.kansalaisareena.fi Gathering, disseminating and publishing information Advocacy Development projects and cooperation with stakeholders Service, development and information centre: Citizen Forum in Finland
We work together with Ngo’s and voluntary associations Coordinators of voluntary activities Volunteering individuals and citizens Peer support groups and their mentors Local volunteer centres Community centres Projects Researchers, universities and other educational institutions Civil servants, ministries and municipalities Volunteer support group at the Finnish Parliament CEV (European Volunteer Centre) Voluntary work organizations and networks abroad Funders Media © Kansalaisareena 2010
Interfaces in Volunteering Functional: Social, health, youth, culture, sports, residential, … Economical: public, private, 3rd sector Geographical: Southern, Western, Eastern, Central Northern Finland, Europe, … Age group: Children, Youth, Working ages, Retired, Old People Language: Finnish, Swedish speaking, other languages, … Gender: Men, women ”Ideological”: Conservatives, liberals, … National: Finns, other Europeans Size: Large, small Reach: Local, country-wide © Kansalaisareena 2010
Project Plan for building a cross-sectoral Innovation Network for Volunteering Building networks and supporting partnerships Innovations and best practises Communication, influencing, interfaces A delegation for civil society politics (KANE) Consultative council of NGOs & civil servant ( ) Planning Taxation Role of NGOs Preconditions for NGO activities Cooperation Interaction & change of information Interfaces Rules of the Game € Organizations on the field Community involvement © Kansalaisareena 2010
Building an Innovation Network for Volunteering Project Plan In an open, cross-sectoral network, creating and spreading of innovations and best practises for volunteering and community activities which increase and strengthen involvement and community engagement 1)Building networks and cross-sectoral cooperation 2)Creating innovations and spreading best practises 1)Quality 2)Training and cooperation with schools 3)Recruiting 4)Cross-sectoral partnerships 5)Management and policies of volunteering 3)Communication, influence, interfaces © Kansalaisareena 2010
Strategic Partnership based on Multiple Expertise Local National Common procedures increasing involvement and volunteering III-sectorCorporatePublic Development Engaging, learning network + buzz
© Kansalaisareena 2010 Number of volunteers 1,5 milllion = 36 % Average 13h/month/person, median 8h/kk Miminum wage 8€/h = €/y Financial value of voluntary work: man years x € = € = 2,5 B€ (Finnigh Government Budget 52B € => 4.8 %) Volunteering 2010 Financial Value of Voluntary Work 2,5 billion euros Preliminary figures from an unpublished study (KA ja TT 2010) In four weeks h In a year (x12) h As 8 hour working days days In man years (220days/y)
© Kansalaisareena 2010 Volunteering 2010 Voluntary hours and number of volunteers by sector Preliminary figures from an unpublished study (KA ja TT 2010)
© Kansalaisareena 2010 Volunteering 2010 The most popular forms of Volunteering Preliminary figures from an unpublished study (KA ja TT 2010) % 44Helping 31Neighbourly help 20Counceling 18Administration 18Working via Internet 16Cleaning 15Friendship 14Event organising and working as official 14Development work 13Performing, arts 13Education and training 12Communication, publication 12Cooking 11Tutoring a group 11Gardening 10Fund Raising 10Transportation, logistics 10Support 9Advocacy, lobbying 9Management 8Office duties 7Coaching 7Project work 7Peer groups 6Help Line 6IT 6Building and renovation 6Financial management 4Networking 4Sales 4Other 4Marketing 2Restorative Justice 2Research 2Recruiting 1Hosting an exhange student 1Cannot say 0Face-to-face, street marketing
© Kansalaisareena 2010 Volunteering in Finland 2010 Opinion poll on Volunteering 1 Preliminary figures from an unpublished study (KA ja TT 2010) Fully or partly agree Fully or partly disagree VolNon-volVolNon-vol Volunteer training should be more extensive than today 74 %72 %5 %6 % Coaching and supporting volunteers should be better taken care of 78 %71 %3 %4 %
© Kansalaisareena 2010 Volunteering in Finland 2010 Opinion poll on Volunteering 2 Preliminary figures from an unpublished study (KA ja TT 2010) Fully or partly agree Fully or partly disagree VolNon-volVolNon-vol A local Information and Service Centre for volunteering would be useful for me 39 %29 %30%34% I am willing to take part in planning the future of volunteering if such planning is arranged at a convenient time 45 %31 %33 %43 %
© Kansalaisareena 2010 Volunteering in Finland 2010 Opinion poll on Volunteering 3 Preliminary figures from an unpublished study (KA ja TT 2010) Fully or partly agree Fully or partly disagree VolNon-volVolNon-vol If my employer/school would let me try volunteering I would do it 50 %43 %23 %30 % A comprehensive Internet-based search tool for finding suitable voluntary work would be necessary for me 37 %31 %38 %41 %
Coaching, supporting, informing professionals Training Information Recruiting Coaching, supporting, informing volunteers Cross-sectoral cooperations Research Premises Personnel Local, cross-sectoral volunteering networks Visions Influencing Functions of Volunteer Centres in Finland (Year 2010) Functions of Volunteer Centres in Finland (Year 2010) © Kansalaisareena 2010
Helsinki Espoo (2009) EJY ry: Järjestöyhteistyöhanke RAY 150t€ + Espoon kaupunki 37t€ => 3- 4 hlöä VET-hanke RAY 80t€ + Espoon kaupunki 35t€ + Srk-yhtymä 10t€ => 2 hlöä (RAY yht. 370t€), työllistämishanke, asunnottomuushanke, työllistettyjä, … Uusi RAY-hanke 2010 (sektorirajat yli) Jyväskylä (2009): Jyväskylän kaupunki 100t€ (v = 70t€) => 1 hlö SPR: 3t€ K-S:n Sosiaaliturvayhdistys: RAY-hanke 90t€ = 1½ hlöä Kainuu: (2009) Kajaanin kansanterveys-, potilas ja vammaisjärjestöt KAPOVA ry (26rytä) RAY-hanke 70t€, (2010/100t€, 2011/120t€) Turku/verkosto Oulu (2009): Setlementti: RAY-hanke 105t€ => 2 hlöä Oulun kaupunki 27t€ => ½ + 0,3 hlöä Verkoston yhteistyöresurssit vahvat Kemi/Tornio: Tampere/verkosto Funding of Local Volunteer Centres in Finland (Year 2009) Funding of Local Volunteer Centres in Finland (Year 2009)
© Kansalaisareena 2010 Enlarge the national volunteering development network to all areas in Finland Raise interesting volunteering themes for common discussion and enable thematic development and cooperation Establish volunteering to syllabus of schools and learning institutions Enable the establishment of national wide Internet-based search tool for finding suitable voluntary work Develop models and establish guidance for NGO’s and public and private organizations about employer supported volunteering Enable the training of volunteering coordinators and professionals to establish in Finnish learning system and institutions Develop quality standards and certification system for regional volunteer centres in Finland Research the significance of volunteering infrastructure in the society Enable establishment of volunteering infrastructure and new ways of cross-sectoral networking both on local and on national level Activate network to cooperate internationally Future challenges
© Kansalaisareena 2010 Contact Information Kansalaisareena Kumpulantie 1 A, 6. krswww.kansalaisareena.fi Helsinki Executive director Volunteer Anitta RaitanenTuula Angervuo Planning Officer Jatta Vikström