DEBORAH TANNER The Writing Classroom
WHAT IS WRITING? A way to communicate our ideas on paper
CLASSROOM Writing center –Paper –Pens and pencils –Think pads –Clip boards –Art material MusicPillows
SPELLING Pre-test on Friday Hands-on activities on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday –Air spelling –Shaving cream spelling –Partner spelling Formal test on Friday Does matter in writing
5-STEP PROCESS Pre-writing –Thoughts WebbingWebbing Free writesFree writesDraft –Organize pre-writing Revision –Rewrite for clarity –Rewrite to make interesting, informative and convincing –Create smoothness
5-STEP PROCESS Editing –Correct mistakes –Peer editing Suggestions for spelling, punctuation, grammar an capitalizationSuggestions for spelling, punctuation, grammar an capitalization –Clean up Publishing –Final copy –Presentation Author’s chairAuthor’s chair Celebration of LearningCelebration of Learning Multiple of location to displayMultiple of location to display
6+1 TRAIT WRITING Scoring process 6 main part –+ presentation Determines if piece is –Proficient –emerging
6+1 TRAIT WRITING Idea –Heart of the message –Clear big idea Organization –Enhances and showcases the big idea –Compelling and moves reader through the text Voice –Audience awareness –Exceptional expression of feeling and commitment to topic Word choice –Mistaken for complicated vocabulary –Ability to choose right words –Convey intended message in a precise, interesting, and natural way Sentence fluency –How it sounds when read out loud Convention –Technical parts –Understanding will be impaired 6+1 Presentation –Final product
STEP UP TO WRITING Road map to composing paragraphs Critical skill for success in all classes Uses visual aides –Stop light GreenGreen –Write topic sentence YellowYellow –Give a reason, detail or fact RedRed –Explain, give an example
ASSESSMENT Way to evaluate Formal and informal –Formal Test, pre-testTest, pre-test Presentation – oral or writtenPresentation – oral or written ProjectsProjects –Informal Classroom discussionClassroom discussion Not gradedNot graded
What will my writing classroom look like: A place where students thrive to learn A place where students thrive to learn A place where mistakes are erasable A place where mistakes are erasable A place where learning takes place A place where learning takes place