Fort Sumter By Grace Douthit
Fort Sumter ●South Carolina seceded from the union ●Major Robert Anderson moved troops from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter for protection ●On an island in the middle of Charleston Harbor, ran low on food supply
Start of the Civil War ●April 12, 1861 ●Lincoln announced plans on resupplying the fort ●Confederates demanded surrender of the Fort ●When Anderson refused, confederates open-fired for 34 hours ●First shot to start the American Civil War ●Anderson’s troops lacked ammunition so did not retaliate for the first 2 hours ● The Confederate occupied the fort for nearly four years following the bombard
End of the Battle ●Confederates aim to conserve ammunition so firing decreased throughout the days \ ●Saturday, April 13th, Anderson surrendered ●0 casualties in battle ●Held a 100 gun salute when leaving the fort but was cut short when an accidental explosion killed a man