Location: Location: Where is it? Where are things located? A Location can be specific: Absolute: A location can be absolute (specific) Or a Location can general: Relative: A location can be relative examples: next door, nearby, a short drive, etc. Use the Map in the front pages of your agenda to describe the location of the state of Colorado (home of the 2013 NFL kick off game)
Place: What makes a place different from other places? A place is an area that is defined by everything in it. All places have features that give them personality and distinguish them from other places. Differences might be defined in terms of climate, physical features, or the people who live there. Name the characteristics of Carowinds that distinguishes it from other places.
Movement: What are the patterns of movement of people, products and information? Movement refers to the way people, products, information and ideas move from one place to another. A study of movement includes learning about major modes of transportation, exports and imports of an area, and ways people communicate.
Movement: Where do the products we use originate? Take a moment and look at labels of your belongings. Are we dependent on products from all around the world? How do these products get to us?
Region: How can the Earth be divided into Regions for study? A region is an area that is defined by certain similar characteristics. Those unifying or similar characteristics can be physical, natural, human, or cultural. (for example language, political, religion, vegetation)
REGION: The countries of the Middle East, North Africa, and Greater Arabia (Asia) include some countries not traditionally part of the Middle East but their cultures cause their placement in this region. Other Examples: time zones, school zones or physical regions (desert, tundra)
Human-Environment Interaction Human-Environment Interaction What are the relationships among people and places? Human-environment interaction looks at the relationships between people and their environment; how people adapt to the environment and how they change it. How have people changed the environment to better suit their needs? How do people depend on the environment? (Example: In ancient times, the annual flooding of the Nile River produced good soil for growing crops.) How to people adapt to the environment? (Example: The ancient Egyptians rebuilt their homes each year, after the annual flooding. As time went on, they built their homes above the flood plain.) How do people modify the environment? (Example: The ancient Egyptians built irrigation ditches to help water the crops. In modern times, Egypt built a dam to control the flood waters of the Nile River.)
HEI: Link to Current Map for 2013 Fire Outbreaks in Western United States: response/wildlandfire/latest-news-map Zoom in to see how many states are affected by the environmental conditions. How do you think citizens prepare or react to these conditions? How does it impact future generations? Or how do future generations adapt to these environmental conditions? Another Example: Who remembers the story of “The Lorax”? Or How did Huntersville, NC look 10 years ago? 20 years ago?
1. List the 5 themes of geography. 2. Write the definition for location in a complete sentence. 3. Write the definition for movement in a complete sentence. 4. Explain how human-environment interaction can be both a negative and positive thing in a complete sentence. 5. If you have a family moving from Beijing to Charlotte for work which of the 5 themes is this an example of? 6. Give an example of a region and define that region. 7. List Ms. Vespo’s 5 Classroom Rules
1. Activity-Digging Deeper: Use the 5 Themes of Geography to explain why Charlotte, NC is the home for the new MLB team. The class will be broken up into groups. Each group will answer several questions for EACH of the 5 themes of geography. Within in the questions be sure to be specific and give examples of that theme for Charlotte and how it relates to why the city was chosen as the new home site for a Major League Baseball team. Use your 5 themes of geography notes for guidance. 2. Apply what you have uncovered about Charlotte (the location, place, region, human interaction, movement) to create unique characteristics of the new MLB team that reflect what Charlotte is all about. Students will create any form of merchandise to sell for the new team (i.e. shirt, fan flag, poster, water bottle, rally towel, etc). Criteria 1-3 (BELOW) must be displayed in some way on your merchandise. Students will write a paragraph explaining each criteria and why you choose that to represent Charlotte and your team. ◦ Team Name ◦ Team Mascot ◦ Team Logo and Colors ◦ Prime Location for new stadium Based on your knowledge of the 5 Themes and Charlotte NC, should the new team join the AL or NL of the MLB? Justify your answer in geography terms.