To find out more about 2 charities who work to help poor people have more rights. The charities do their work because of their religious beliefs. They are:
What are Christian Aid & Islamic Relief? 2 charities who were formed because of religious beliefs. Both part of the Disasters Emergency Committee (The Disasters Emergency Committee is….) They raise money to help people in poverty (Poverty is…) What do they believe & why do they do the work they do? They are both religious charities… Christian Aid is a Christian charity who follow the teachings of Jesus, who said: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ (The Bible, Luke 10:27) Islamic Relief is a Muslim charity that follow the words in the Qur’an that say: ‘Whoever saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all humanity.’ Where do they do their charity work? Both charities work all over the world with lots of different people – even though they are both religious charities, Christian Aid does not just work with Christians & Islamic Relief does not just work with Muslims.
You are going to be working on the internet to find out about the charities ‘Christian Aid’ & ‘Islamic Relief’. You will have a worksheet to complete. Some of the activities on the worksheet are compulsory – you have to do them. The rest of the activities are your choice… However, each activity is worth an amount of money & you must complete enough activities to earn £1 – This is the average amount that it costs to feed a person for 1 day. When you have earned £1, you have done all of the activities that you need to do.
From what you have found out, what do Christian Aid & Islamic Relief do? Christian Aid & Islamic Relief are charities that do what they do because of their religious beliefs – What do you think of this? Look at Christian Aid’s slogan – What do you think it means? Part of Islamic Relief’s logo is a picture of a mosque – Why? Christian Aid & Islamic Relief help people to have basic rights – What rights that we looked at earlier in this topic are they helping people to have?