L3 L4
Axial CT Scan and Coronal Reformatted View reveal a Markedly Comminuted Fracture of the Atlas with Lateral Displacement of the Left Lateral Mass. Sagittal Reconstruction of a CT Scan Showing a Cervical Fracture with Dislocation at the Level of C6/7
CT Scan coronal reconstruction of the cervical spine illustrating a burst fracture of the bodies of C4 and C5. These are two reformatted CT images of the cervical spine. The green arrows point to a transverse fracture of the base of the dens (odontoid). The red arrow points to the same fracture of the sagittal reformatted image. The dens is displaced slightly posteriorly on the body of C2.
CT scan - Sagittal (T4 fracture dislocation and L4 fracture ).
CT image shows a severe displaced fracture through the third upper thoracic spine (arrow) in a decedent who suffered multiple injuries in a motor vehicle accident. A CT scan taken from the side of a fracture- dislocation in the thoracic spine. CT scan image of a fracture of the 5th thoracic spine after a motor vehicle collision.
Computed Tomography (CT) Scan of the Lumbar Spine (Shown by Compression Fracture of the Spine). A CT Scan taken from the Side of a Burst Fracture in the Lumbar Spine.
CT scan was performed and showed a fracture-dislocation centered on L4 vertebra. CT scan shows a collapsed, compressed osteoporotic fracture.
Initial sagittal computed tomography scan showing herniation of the C5-C6 calcified disk located at the central and posterior border (arrow) (A). Axial computed tomography scan (B) showing a dense calcification in the nucleus pulposus, which is located centrally in the Intervertebral disk. A mass in the calcified nucleus pulposus has a right posterolateral extrusion into the spinal canal (arrow).
Axial and Sagittal CT scans of T6-T7. There is a calcified disc protruding into the spinal canal, extending from the midline and more prominent to the left.
Preoperative CT-scans depicting a large herniated disc fragment with upward and foraminal extension and degenerative spondylolisthesis. This sagittal reconstruction of the lumbar spine obtained following a lumbar discogram shows contrast, (white), within the L4/5 disc which has a normal appearance. The appearance of contrast within the L5/S1 disc is abnormal demonstrating a degenerated disc with a mild posterior disc protrusion/herniation.
CT Myelogram of lumbar spine: The double arrows point to a split cord malformation (diastematomyelia). Also seen is an incomplete closure of the spine's lamina (spin bifida) that single arrow points to. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of a sagittal section - Spina bifida.
Sagittal CT through the lumbar spine revealing an additional lucent line in the posterior elements of the L4 vertebral body (black arrow).
The CT scan shows the relevant anatomy of a normal pars interarticularis and one that exhibits spondylolysis.
Midline sagittal CT scan again demonstrates the L5-S1 spondylolisthesis. Preoperative sagittal CT scan showing spondylolisthesis.
CT scan – C5 spondylolisthesis. CT scan – C5 spondylolisthesis postoperative.
Non- contrast CT Scan of the entire spine shows diffuse multiple osteolytic lesions.
CT scan, Tumor at C2-C3 C2 C3
Bone metastases: Sagittal CT of the thorax in bone windows shows multiple sclerotic and lytic foci within the thoracic spine vertebral bodies (arrows). Reconstruction images of the CT chest showing multiple osteoblastic lesions in thoraco- lumbar vertebrae. Skeletal changes in myeloma, thoracic spine.
Sagittal (A) and axial (B) computed tomography scans showing an osteolytic lesion surrounded by partial sclerotic change of the L4 vertebral body. Sagittal CT reformation of the lumbar spines (a) shows a large sclerotic lesion nearly completely involving the L5 vertebral body.
Angiography of the neck vessels (coronal section) using computed tomography showed a normal right vertebral artery (long arrow) and a markedly attenuated signal in the left vertebral artery with a long-segment thrombus (short arrows). CT angiography of the neck shows a long-segment occlusion (red arrows) of the right vertebral artery from C6 up to base of the skull.
CT scan of a patient after anterior cervical discectomy & fusion (ACDF) with allograft. Post-operative CT scan showing screws and plate in cross-section.
Chest radiograph 7 years postoperatively showing an atelectatic region in the right thoracic cavity almost recovered (A). Lateral radiograph of the thoracic spine (B). Reconstructed sagittal computed tomography scan showing complete bony fusion at the reconstruction site (C).
Post-op axial CT scans showing cage and pedicle screw placement. Post-op sagittal CT scan (left) and coronal CT scan (right) showing adequate spondylolisthesis reduction.