SAFE LIFTING Did you know? –80% of all Americans will suffer a back injury that will require medical attention? –Once you suffer a back injury, you are four times as likely to suffer from back pain again. –Back injuries make up 30% of all job injuries. –Back injuries keep more workers off the job and are the cause of more lost wages than any other ailment. –Surgery can ease back pain only 10% of the time. –The most effective methods for reducing back pain are exercise and weight control. –Back problems cost Americans $5 Billion annually.
SAFE LIFTING You can avoid back injuries! Your spine is made up of 24 bones called vertebrae, between each vertebrae is a disc or “shock absorber”. This joint allows the joints to move smoothly Back injuries are often a result of years of abusing your back which slowly becomes weak and stressed. A sudden twist or improper lift or bend will finally cause something to snap.
SAFE LIFTING Some things that can go wrong: The muscles and ligaments that keep your back supported can be strained from constant misuse by overstretching, bending and lifting incorrectly, slouching, and carrying too much body weight. The jelly like substance in the disc pushes against the weaker back wall with repeated bending and incorrect lifting, causing the condition commonly known as a slipped disc. If the disc tears and the inner substance flows out, you have what is called a ruptured disc. All of these injuries can be extremely painful. In some cases the pain lasts for only a few days, but often, it can last for years.
SAFE LIFTING By making a few simple lifestyle changes you can avoid back injury and the resulting pain! When lifting Use a back support belt. Stand close to the load with feet wide apart, usually shoulder width apart. Squat down, bend at the hips and knees. Not at the back. As you grip the load, arch your lower back inward by pulling your shoulders back and sticking your chest outward. Be sure to keep the load close to your body. The closer the load is to your body, the less pressure it exerts on your back. When you set the load down, squat down, bending at the hips and knees, keeping your lower back arched in.
SAFE LIFTING Be smart! Make two trips Push, don’t pull –Pushing puts less strain on your back Move, don’t reach –Move things closer to you or move your entire body closer to them Squat, don’t bend –Squat at the knees, rather then bending your back Turn, don’t twist –Turn your whole body in the direction that you want to go
SAFE LIFTING When lifting a load with someone else lift together, and lower together. Break down heavy or cumbersome objects to a smaller load that is not as heavy and easier to manage. Remember to use good normal body mechanics!