Federal Budget Measure Drug and Alcohol and Mental Health Counselling Services within Universities
Background $19.8 million to support a network of non-government counselling services to assist students who have problems with substance abuse, mental illness and/or need family support assistance.
Background Intent is not to replace existing services but augment these services to ensure they are adequately supported
Alcohol and other drugs awareness raising component of the measure- drawing on resources from the National Drugs Campaign and others Background
First step – situational analysis of the nature and extent of counselling services currently provided. Map how services are funded and utilised and characteristics of clients using these services. Results of these extensive consultations, summarised in a discussion paper. Also likely to establish a Expert Reference Group to allow further consultation and advise on possible funding models.
Situational Analysis Counselling services in universities
One of Australia’s leading social research firms. Highly experienced study team with considerable research and practitioner experience in the university, counselling and broader health sector. Examples of previous work in related areas: –National Review of Young People and Mental Health –Evaluation of National Suicide Prevention Strategy –A National Review of Sexual Assault Prevention Education in Tertiary Settings –Numerous reviews of drug and alcohol programs, policies and initiatives and family support services About Urbis Keys Young
The Team Main team: –Urbis Keys Young Director: Alison Wallace – over 25 years experience in social policy and research; diverse research experience in mental health, drug and alcohol and family support services –Urbis Keys Young Director: Dr Roberta Ryan: social policy and social work academic; student counsellor; member of the National Education Policy Committee for Education, Policy and Support in the Tertiary Sector –Project manager: Frances Haynes, MAASW,12 years social research experience; social work supervisor; ongoing private practice; 5 years team leader adult mental health counselling services
Purpose of project Information gathering Ideas generation based on consultations
Aims of project Map current counselling services Specific focus on: –substance abuse –mental health –family support
Aims of project Identify key resources: –people –programs –resource material Identify gaps, barriers Identify service linkages Seek ideas about how Australian Government money can be best invested across university counselling services
Aims of project Develop a discussion paper: –Describing the nature and scope of current services –Identifying key issues –Identifying strengths, resources, gaps –Identifying options for consideration by the Reference Group and the Department
Our approach Initial scoping -review of background documentation, initial stakeholder consultation, develop final project plan Stakeholder consultations – in-depth interviews with stakeholder groups Survey of services and select follow up interviews with counselling services Online survey of students OR focus groups Development of discussion paper
Survey of counselling services Can be completed by or mail Key issues: –Who uses student counselling, and presenting problems –What is known about mental health, substance use and/or family relationship issues among university students (eg research) –Impact of these issues on students’ well-being, performance, attendance, retention –Demand, quality, accessibility, affordability of services – including for groups such as Indigenous, CALD, regional, remote students –Practice standards –Impact of VSU amendments –Identify gaps, resources, links with other services –Emerging trends –Identify drug and alcohol, mental health prevention early intervention activities
Survey of students Draft online survey to be piloted before implementation Will ensure representation from a range of State and Territories and Universities Will seek a survey response from students
Timeline Initial scoping: Nov-Dec Stakeholder consultation: Dec - Feb Survey of services: completed by Jan 27 Follow up interviews with services: February Survey/focus groups students: Feb 26-Mar 9 Finalise discussion paper: March 31
How this group can help Assist with initial scoping Broad understanding of how services are structured Identification of stakeholders Identification of programs, initiatives, resources Identify key contacts to complete survey Identify what data is likely to be available and in what format Advice re practicalities of surveying services and/or students