Investigating the views of Year 6 students at Oxley Park Primary School – school subjects and important qualities in teachers. By Mitchell Schofield
Introduction I was interested in this project because people in school often complain about the subjects they are doing, so I wanted to investigate why. I chose this project because I wanted teachers to see what qualities their pupils really want to see in a teacher. I also wanted to research into favourite and least favourite subjects.
Methods for School Subjects I designed an open ended questionnaire to find out what year 6 students thought about the different subjects. I handed out the questionnaires in class. I explained that it was double sided and to fill in all questions. I collected the completed questionnaires on the same day. I then collated the results.
Methods for Teachers Attributes I used a diamond ranking sheet and wrote out 9 attributes of a teacher that needed to be ranked from most to least important. I interviewed several year 6 students and asked them to rate the 9 attributes from most to least important using the diamond ranking. I tallied the results using a 5-4-3-2-1 scoring
Sets fair homework Exciting Lots of activities most important Encouraging Happy and smiling Keeps control of the class Kind fair to everyone Group work least important
Results. Q 1) Do you like school? All 20 pupils responded ‘yes’.
Results Q 2) What is your favourite subject? There were a variety of subjects that students enjoyed. Maths and Art were the most popular.
Results Q 3) Why do you like the subject 25% of pupils thought their favourite subject was fun
Results Q 4) Is it possible to make the subject more enjoyable? Almost 75% of people thought the subject could be made more enjoyable
Results Q 5) Do you think the teachers make lessons enjoyable? Most students felt that the teachers already make the lessons enjoyable
Results Q 6) Of the two students who said ‘no’ the reasons were ‘Because its like word after word’ and ‘Because we need to do more fun things’
Results Diamond Ranking of Teachers Qualities
Results Diamond Ranking continued.. Group work was not rated high by any students. The highest scoring attributes were for teachers who were ‘Happy and smiling’ and ‘Kept control of the class’
Conclusion Most students seem to like school The most popular subject was maths. I found this surprising as I don’t find it fun myself. Students who like sums, adding up and problem solving said they enjoyed maths. The next most popular subject was Art with reasons given that it was fun or they liked drawing. Year 6 students want teachers that are happy and smiling but who can keep control of the class.
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