Mr. Conrado Castro All students with last names beginning with A - E (858) x2211 Castro Ms.Caroline Karoczkai All students with last names beginning with F - L (858) x2212 Ms. Cathy Hutchins - Director of Guidance All students with last names beginning with M - Q (858) x2213 Hutchins Ms. Kristen Salehi All students with last names beginning with R - Z (858) x2214 Salehi
- Goals - Interests - Values - Ambitions - Achievements - Academic Strengths - Your Standout Talents – What sets you apart from the crowd
What is important to you? Location Academics Size Campus Appeal Social Life Total Cost – Including Aid
“Consider your essay your interview on paper” – UC Berkeley "Give careful thought to the questions asked, but don’t try to write the answers that you think we want to hear; give us the answers that tell us about you." - Cornell University "When writing your essay--focus on a blade of grass, not a whole field. Tell one good story, not a condensed mini-series." - Dickinson College "You don’t need to have had extraordinary experiences to write an extraordinary essay. You don’t need to have done incomparable things to be interesting." - Wellesley College “Edit. Then edit again. Then again. There is no excuse for errors anywhere on your application or essay. None whatsoever. It should be flawless, people. Take the time to edit and review and revise your full application multiple times." - Tulane University
Western Undergraduate Exchange: (Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education) - WUE Scholarship not automatic and applies only to certain majors. - Check the schools’ websites!
Founded as a result of a book by the same name. 44 Colleges with very student-centered philosophies. “CTCL is dedicated to the advancement and support of a student-centered college search process. Namely, we work to educate families that the criteria used by most college bound students and their counselors, such as name and prestige, do not acknowledge the importance of understanding an individual student’s needs and how they “fit” with the mission and identity of an individual college community.