What and Where is the Blue Route? Susanna Fuller, BNS Victoria County Physical Activity December 2, 2013
Burning Question in 2006 How do we get bicycling to be part of the transportation system in Nova Scotia?..infrastructure, education, active transportation, bicycle culture, safety, policy, political will, health and environment goals
Nova Scotia Bikeways Vision All municipalities in Nova Scotia are accessible by safe bikeways. Bicycle infrastructure and bikeways planning are integrated into transportation strategies at municipal, provincial and federal levels. Nova Scotia develops a culture of cycling that involves residents as well as visitors from near and far.
Potential Routes Identified in 2009
NS Network – AT Plans & Rails to Trails
Where are we in 2013? Provincial Sustainable Transportation Strategy (April 2013, Action 11 – “The province will work with municipalities and community organizations to develop and implement the concept of a provincial active transportation network currently known as the Blue Route”
Where are we in 2013 cont.. Department of Transportation & Infrastructure Renewal announced at the 2013 NS Bicycle Summit on October 5 th that it will take the lead on coordinating Blue Route implementation NS Tourism now engaged and wants to fund map of key bicycle routes in the province NS Moves funding “Blue Route” project, Chester / Aspotogan to pilot in early 2014
Where are we in 2013? BNS has hired a Director of Bicycle Culture and Blue Route Implementation (Ben Buckwold)
What are the immediate next steps? Approve standards for Blue Route for on road and trail infrastructure (TIR) Approve signage and branding for Blue Route (TIR / BNS) Consult on Blue Route “spine” throughout province (Winter / Spring 2013) (BNS / TIR)
Questions ? Clarifications?