WHY NOT ANOTHER TESTAMENT OF JESUS CHRIST?. THE BOOK OF MORMON If God could add the New Testament to the Old Testament, then why could He not add another,


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Presentation transcript:


THE BOOK OF MORMON If God could add the New Testament to the Old Testament, then why could He not add another, newer testament to scripture? There are several reasons why there cannot be another testament of Jesus Christ There cannot be a newer covenant than the new covenant

The New Testament (Gospel) Is OLDER Than The Old Testament (Law) Galatians 3:8 Gospel preached to Abraham 430 years before Law Galatians 3:15-18 Law added to the promise Galatians 3:19 “until” (the O.T. law was temporary) The church of Christ is God’s eternal purpose Ephesians 3:10-11 The New Covenant is eternal Hebrews 13:20

A PERFECT SACRIFICE Hebrews 9:16-10:10 A testament requires a death 9:16-17 Old covenant had the death of animals 9:18-22 Better sacrifice for a better covenant 9:23-28 Jesus died once for all 9:27 A perfect sacrifice 9:26 “Himself” A pleasing sacrifice 10:5-10 A permanent sacrifice 10:10 “once for all”

AN ENDLESS PRIESTHOOD Hebrews 7:11-28 The need for the new law Old law with an imperfect priesthood 11,18-19 Jesus’ credentials are better than Levites’ 16 Perfect priesthood – order of Melchizedek Perfect priest Permanent priesthood 23-25

WHY NOT ANOTHER TESTAMENT OF JESUS CHRIST? The New Testament is God’s original, eternal plan of salvation Ephesians 3 The Old Testament was the temporary addition to prepare the world for Christ Galatians 3 Jesus is the perfect priest Hebrews 7 Jesus is the perfect sacrifice Hebrews 9-10 The new covenant is a perfect, eternal covenant Nobody can offer anything or anyone greater than Jesus and His sacrifice