Holy Orders A Sacrament of Service of Communion “The priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus. When you see a priest, think of our Lord Jesus Christ” – St. Jean Vianney
“Without the priest, the passion and death of our Lord would be of no avail. It is the priest who continues the work of redemption here on earth...What use would be a house filled with gold, were there no one to open its door? The priest holds the key to the treasures of heaven: it is he who opens the door: he is the steward of the good Lord; the administrator of His goods...Leave a parish for twenty years without a priest and they will end by worshiping the beasts there… The priest is not a priest for himself, he is a priest for you.” – St. Jean Vianney
Holy Orders? What Orders? ‘Order’ in Roman culture (ordo) referred to an established civil body, societal relation, rank, or status Incorporation into an ordo is by means of an ordinatio 3 orders of Holy Orders Diaconate (deacons) (from diakonia – service) Presbyterate (priests) (from presbyteros – elder/priest) Episcopate (bishops) (from episkopos – overseer/bishop) Two degrees of priesthood, one degree of service
Common vs. Ordained Priesthood Common priesthood All baptized share in Christ’s ministry as priest, prophet, and king, unfolding baptismal grace in special ways during lifetime Ordained/ministerial priesthood In Persona Christi Certain men are elevated to ordained priesthood to share more explicitly in the priesthood of Christ the Head
Old Testament Priesthood Priests are “appointed to act on behalf of men in relation to God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins.” (Heb. 5:1) To act as mediators between God and man and to offer sacrifices to God for sins Old Testament sacrifices performed repeatedly Aaron and sons – cleansed, poured oil over heads, sacrificed bull Levites – first born sons from house of Levi, within lineage, to offer sacrifices on behalf of people of Israel Melchizedek “a priest of God Most High” brought bread and wine to Abraham and blessed him after his return from battle. (Gen 14: 18-20) Psalm 110 “You are a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek” (New Testament) Hebrews 7 – Christ Himself is the High Priest, the priest forever by the order of Melchizedek
Outward Sign… Recipient Fully initiated Catholic man, ‘whose suitability for the exercise of the ministry has been duly recognized’ A vocation to Holy Orders is an unmerited gift from God Matter Laying on of hands (imposition of hands) by the Bishop Form “Receive the Holy Spirit…” Bishop’s consecratory prayer asking God for outpouring of Holy Spirit and His gifts proper to the ministry to which the candidate is ordained Minister Ordinary: bishop Extraordinary: none
… Instituted by Christ… Matthew 16: “You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church” Last Supper “This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me.” (Luke 22:19) He commands those present to offer the sacrifice of the meal again and again The washing of the feet is further seen as an example for the priesthood Resurrection appearance (John 20:22-23) “And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.’”
… Instituted by Christ (cont.) … The Church After Christ Himself Acts 13:2-3 “While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’ Then, completing their fasting and prayer, they laid hands on them and sent them off.” 2 Timothy 1:6 “For this reason, I remind you to stir into flame the gift of God that you have through the imposition of my hands.”
… to Give Grace. Each grants sanctifying grace and a sacramental character Configures the recipient to Christ to serve the Church Leaves an indelible character (mark) on the soul Confers the office (deacon, priest, bishop) Grants particular grace for each order, depending upon what is required of the order Deacon receives power to minister officially as a servant, especially in the liturgy, the Gospel, and works of charity. In addition the Priest receives power to administer sacraments, offer sacrifice of the Mass, etc. In addition the Bishop receives authority over local Church, power to ordain priests and confirm candidates Fullness of priesthood
Discernment A process of seeking to know God’s will for your vocation. Involves: prayer, reading and reflecting on Scripture, attending Mass, learning about the various vocations, talking with others in those vocations, talking with family and friends, listening and being open to God. Seminarian “Ah-Ha” Moment Advice for discerning Holy Orders list=UUNi8ZfWbFipVmLAitrkGB9g
Priests Diocesan vs Religious Orders Diocesan Priests – minister in union with and promise obedience to the local bishop. Religious Order Priests – vow obedience to their religious superiors and live in communities of apostolic life. There are many different religious orders for priests (and brothers). How many can you name? Examples: Franciscans, Dominicans, Benedictines, Norbertines, Jesuits, Paulist, Marist, etc.
Rites Happens in context of Mass For Priest: Calling of the Candidates (by name) Presentation and Inquiry Promise of Obedience Prayer for Candidates and Litany of the Saints Laying on of Hands Vesting the New Priest Stole and Chasuble Anointing the Hands Presentation of Gifts Paten and Chalice Assisting in Eucharist and First Priestly Blessing
Celibacy By remaining celibate the priest can remain fully devoted in mind, heart, and time to the service of God and the Church. Jesus is the model for priestly celibacy. Self-giving Sacrifice The apostles followed Christ’s example and continued it within the structure and formation of the Church.
Male Priesthood Jesus called only men to be His Apostles, giving them the responsibility of guiding the Church and administering the Sacraments Scripture and Tradition show the continuation of this practice from the times of the early Church. This does NOT mean that women have no role to play. Women were important in Jesus’ ministry as well as the life of the early Church. Mary the Mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Mary and Martha We all share in the common priesthood of Jesus.
Bishops Symbols Ring – symbol of his marriage to the Church. The Pope’s ring is a “Fisherman’s Ring” signifying his role as successor to St. Peter Mitre – (the hat) – symbol of their office as bishop Crosier – represents a shepherds staff, since the role of the bishop is to be the “shepherd” of his “flock” – leader and protector of those within his (Arch)diocese Chair – cathedra – is located in the cathedral the church where the bishop is based. Represents his authority in the diocese. Archbishop Wilton Gregory – current Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Atlanta Bishop Zarama and Bishop Talley
Priests continued… Symbols of a Priest Stole Chasuble Chalice Paten
Gifts For Deacon and Bishop Deacon Book of the Gospels Bishop Ring, Miter, Crosier
History Early Church Ordinations developed relatively quickly with laying on hands and for the coming of the Holy Spirit, with all three orders Bishop quickly becomes the center of leadership for the Church, and all three orders are universally adopted Person is to be holy, and is anointed to be spiritual leader who will sanctify the Church Broad roles Middle Ages Distinction between laity and clergy sharpened Emphasis as minister of the sacraments, especially Eucharist Aquinas, especially, develops theology of the character of the sacrament – a sharing in the priesthood of Christ
History (cont.) 16 th century Protestant Reformation questioned how Holy Orders was instituted by Christ and how it was related to the priesthood of all believers Council of Trent affirmed full tradition of Orders Upheld priesthood with center in the Eucharist and remission of sin Not just priesthood of all believers, nor is it just simple ministry of preaching For centuries until this point, there were several minor orders – none considered one of the Holy Orders Vatican II Highlights reality that the Church shares in Christ’s work of teaching, sanctifying, and ruling Bishops are fullness of orders, fulfilling completely these three roles in sacrament and in clerical duties Common priesthood and ministerial priesthood has essential difference.