Hebrew History and the Development of the Old Testament
Before ca. 2000 B. C. E. Beginnings. Prehistorical ca. 2000-1550 B. C Before ca. 2000 B.C.E. Beginnings Prehistorical ca. 2000-1550 B.C.E. Patriarchs ca. 1550-1300 B.C.E. Bondage in Egypt ca. 1300 B.C.E. Exodus and Covenant Making ca. 1300-1250 B.C.E. Wanderings in the Wilderness ca. 1250 B.C.E. Conquest / Settlement of Canaan ca. 1250-1020 B.C.E. Time of the Judges ca. 1020-922 B.C.E. United Monarchy J/E Source 922-587/586 B.C.E. Divided Monarchy D, history Israel fell in 722 B.C.E. Judah fell in 587/586 B.C.E. Lamentations 587-539 B.C.E. Exile in Babylon P Source 539-333 B.C.E. Persian Period Chronicler, Prophets, Wisdom, Psalms 333-167 B.C.E. Hellenistic Period Esther, Daniel 167-63 B.C.E. Maccabean (Hasmonean) Period 63 B.C.E. - 135 C.E. Roman Period Canon established
The Composition of the Hebrew Bible: The Old Testament
TaNaKh The TaNaKh is the Hebrew acronym which refers to the Jewish Bible. The Jewish Bible consists of three parts: Torah (sometimes called the Five Books of Moses) Nevi’im (the books of the Prophets) Ketuvim (or "Writings")
Evolution of the Torah 12th-5th c. bce Torah: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy Lay Source J Source (Jahwist) E Source (Elohist) JE Source P Source (Priestly)
Lay Source ca.12th-10th C. bce Earliest datable material: Song of Deborah (Judges 5), Blessing of Jacob (Genesis 49), Song of Miriam (Exodus 15), Prophecies of Balaam (Numbers 22-24) Some Mosaic material: refers to Moses in 3rd person, the Book of the Covenant including the Ten Commandments Oral traditions -- "Some of these Old Testament texts preserve living conditions that may be traced back to the historical situation of the tenth century bc.…” confrontation of the nomadic patriarchal society with the agricultural matriarchal society
J Source ca. 950 bce Core of Genesis, Exodus and Numbers. God is called Jahweh -- "full of joy, confidence and faith” First version of early Israelite history, probably written during the age of the United Monarchy Reflects Jerusalem cult -- institutionalized priesthood
E Source: ca. 9th C. bce Collected oral or written version circulated in Northern Israel. God is called Elohim. Rejects central monarchy in Jerusalem and its special priestly caste.
Collation of JE: oldest material in Genesis, Exodus and Numbers
The Prehistoric Myths of Genesis: Etiological Stories stories of origins and causes existence and knowledge and ethics
The Creation and Fall from Paradise The Primacy of the Word: Creation by Command Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel
Cain and Abel Prohibition against murder Titian, Cain and Abel
The Flood: cleansing of evil Edward Hicks, Noah’s Ark
Flood Myths Flood myths are present on every continent Leeming: “The pattern behind the many forms that the flood myth takes is the archetype of the productive sacrifice…. The flood myth…reminds us that life depends on death, that without death there can be no cycle, no birth. Floods connected with cleansing, washing away of blunders or evil Spared survivors are heroes of a new life
Ante- Diluvian Post- Diluvian Blundered creation Error or evil by mankind Period of degradation Sacrifice and thanksgiving Salvation of survivors Retreat of gods from intimate relationship with mankind But: new and renewed relationship between humanity and divine consecrated Humans must work to live: learned arts and skills for survival
Mesopotamian and Hebrew Flood Myths Gilgamesh text: ca. 2000 bce Utnapishtim or Ziusudra Enlil annoyed by human noise Ea/Enki warns Utnapishtim in dream of oncoming flood Boat built in 7 days Contents: family, kin, animals, craftsmen, gold 6 days and 6 nights of rain and rising water Ishtar (Inanna) regrets divine council’s decision Boat lands on Mt. Nisir Dove, swallow and raven released Sacrifice and libation Ishtar’s necklace set in sky as token Genesis text: ca. 1000 bce Noah God dismayed by evil of mankind Noah chosen as righteous man Noah follows God’s directions to build ark Contents: family, 7 of clean beasts, 2 of unclean 40 days and 40 nights of rain All mankind perishes except Noah’s family Ark lands on Mt. Ararat Raven, dove, dove released Burnt offerings Rainbow sent in sky as token of new covenant between God and mankind.
The Rainbow: symbol of the covenant between God and mankind Robert Delaunay, Rainbow
P Source 6th C. bce Final fixed form of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers. Probably written by group of priests during exile in Babylon, the P source adds: detailed description of wilderness tabernacle in Exodus all of Leviticus: worship and priesthood rules fragments in Numbers.
Historical Legends: The Patriarchs and Matriarchs
Israelites Arabs Bedouins Edomites Terah of Ur Hagar Sarai/ Sarah Abram/ Abraham Keturah Nahor Milcah Haran Ishmael Arabs Bedouins Isaac Rebekah Laban Lot Esau/ Edom Jacob/ Israel Leah Rachel Israelites Edomites
Laurent de la Hyre, Abraham Sacrificing Isaac Ishmael and Isaac Covenant against human sacrifice Gustave Dore, The Expulsion of Hagar Laurent de la Hyre, Abraham Sacrificing Isaac
Raphael Sanzio Isaac and Esau Esau and Jacob Flinck, Isaac Blessing Jacob Bringing them to his father, Jacob said,"Father!" "Yes?" replied Isaac. "Which of my sons are you?" Jacob answered his father: "I am Esau, your first-born. I did as you told me. Please sit up and eat some of my game, so that you may give me your special blessing." (Gen 27:18-19) So Jacob moved up closer to his father. When Isaac felt him, he said, "Although the voice is Jacob's, the hands are Esau's." (He failed to identify him because his hands were hairy, like those of his brother Esau; so in the end he gave him his blessing.) (Gen 27:22-23) "May God give to you of the dew of the heavens, and of the fertility of the earth abundance of grain and wine. Let people serve you, and nations pay you homage. Be master of your brothers, and may your mother's sons bow down to you. Cursed be those who curse you, and blessed be those who bless you." (Gen 27:28-29) When Isaac explained, "Your brother came here by a ruse and carried off your blessing," Esau exclaimed, "He has been well named Jacob! He has now supplanted me twice! First he took away my birthright, and now he has taken away my blessing." Then he pleaded, "Haven't you saved a blessing for me?" Isaac replied," I have already appointed him your master, and I have assigned to him all his kinsmen as his slaves; besides, I have enriched him with grain and wine. What then can I do for you, son?" But Esau urged his father,"Have you only one blessing, father? Bless me too!" Isaac, however, made no reply; and Esau wept aloud. (Gen 27:35-38) Raphael Sanzio Isaac and Esau
Jacob’s Ladder: Jacob becomes Israel Wm Blake Jacob’s Ladder Dore, Jacob Wrestlling with the Angel
The Twelve Tribes of Israel
Zilpah Leah Jacob/Israel Rachel Bilbah 1) Reuben 2) Simeon 3) Levi 4) Judah 5) Dan 6) Naphtali 7) Gad 8) Asher 9) Issachar 10)Zebulon 11)Dinah 12) Joseph 13) Benjamin
Joseph and his Brothers Raphael Sanzio The Dreams of Joseph Von Cornelius Joseph Recognized by His Brothers
Stories of Brothers in Genesis Cain and Abel Isaac and Ishmael Jacob and Esau Joseph and his Brothers
Canaan > Egypt > Canaan/Israel: The Israelites Abraham: Ur of the Chaldeans > Egypt > Canaan Canaan > Egypt > Canaan/Israel: The Israelites
Raphael Sanzio, Crossing the Red Sea Exodus from Egypt Raphael Sanzio, Crossing the Red Sea
Leviticus:THE LAW
The Pentateuch The Torah Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy
D Source and Religious Revival 7th-6th c. bce Deuteronomy: old book found in temple in 622 bce -- caused religious revival and inspired writing of the history of Israel in Palestine: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I & II Samuel, I & II Kings. History finished c. 600-550 bce
Joshua J. James Tissot The Seven Trumpets of Jericho
Judges Andrea Mantegna Samson and Delilah
J. James Tissot, Ruth Gleaning
I and II Samuel F. W. W. Tohpahm Hannah, Eli and the Infant Samuel
Raphael Sanzio, Samuel Anoints David KINGS I
Raphael Sanzio, The Judgement of Solomon Kings II
Teleological Orientation Teleology: being directed toward a definite end or having an ultimate purpose Importance of historical consciousness – especially the history of the chosen people of God: the Hebrews and their ongoing relationship with God Israel evolved from nation ruled by Judges to one ruled by Kings: Saul, David, Solomon Prophets proclaimed God’s word and operated as voices of conscience to the kings
Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem Lamentations: poetic laments about the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 bce Rembrandt Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem
Chronicler 4th c. bce Worked from older sources about the history of Judah: I & II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah Completed for small Jewish community struggling to regroup after Babylonian exile
post-exilic collection of poems dating from the 9th c. bce and earlier Song of Songs post-exilic collection of poems dating from the 9th c. bce and earlier Raphael Sanzio, Solomon and Sheba
Prophetic Books 4th C. bce 4 large scrolls Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the 12 lesser Prophets Collections of sermons gathered by the prophets' disciples
Michelangelo The Sistine Chapel: Jeremiah The Sistine Chapel: Isaiah
Psalms devotional poetry and hymns composed 10th-5th c. bce, collated in 4th c. bce
Wisdom Literature 4th c. bce Proverbs: Collated 4th c. bce Traditional wisdom sayings Sharp, epigrammatic Widespread throughout the region -- comparable to Egyptian "Wisdom of Amenemope" Job: 4th C. bce text of older stories Prose introduction and conclusion framing poetic dialogue Prose and poetry by different authors Ecclesiastes : c. 300 bce
Illustrations to the Book of Job William Blake Illustrations to the Book of Job
3rd c. bce Legend set in Persian Empire Esther 3rd c. bce Legend set in Persian Empire
Legend set during 6th C. bce Babylonian captivity Daniel 164 bce Legend set during 6th C. bce Babylonian captivity
THE CANON 1st c. ce Many books written from the 4th-1st c. bce leading to much discussion about the "canon." Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs long debated. Rabbinic Council of Jamnia 90 ce: Set the canonical text of the Hebrew Bible -- accepted as the Old Testament by Christian Churches.
Apocrypha Disputed books that remain part of the traditional literature, but not the canonical sacred text.
Major Biblical Historical Periods
Before ca. 2000 B. C. E. Beginnings. Prehistorical ca. 2000-1550 B. C Before ca. 2000 B.C.E. Beginnings Prehistorical ca. 2000-1550 B.C.E. Patriarchs ca. 1550-1300 B.C.E. Bondage in Egypt ca. 1300 B.C.E. Exodus and Covenant Making ca. 1300-1250 B.C.E. Wanderings in the Wilderness ca. 1250 B.C.E. Conquest / Settlement of Canaan ca. 1250-1020 B.C.E. Time of the Judges ca. 1020-922 B.C.E. United Monarchy J/E Source 922-587/586 B.C.E. Divided Monarchy D, history Israel fell in 722 B.C.E. Judah fell in 587/586 B.C.E. Lamentations 587-539 B.C.E. Exile in Babylon P Source 539-333 B.C.E. Persian Period Chronicler, Prophets, Wisdom, Psalms 333-167 B.C.E. Hellenistic Period Esther, Daniel 167-63 B.C.E. Maccabean (Hasmonean) Period 63 B.C.E. - 135 C.E. Roman Period Canon established
Sources: Beltz, Walter. God and the Gods: Myths of the Bible. 1975. Trans. Peter Heinegg. NY: Penguin, 1983. Wright, G. Ernest and Reginald Fuller. The Book of the Acts of God: Contemporary Scholarship Interprets the Bible. 1957. Rpt. NY: Doubleday/ Anchor, 1960.