V-Cert Music Technology Microphone techniques in Music UNIT 9 NAME………………………………………………………….. YOU WILL: Be working independently to research and complete this task – Zero teacher input = Independent research (Complete the PowerPoint). 1.4 = Practical task (Complete the PowerPoint). 1.5 = Independent research (Complete the PowerPoint). 1.6 = Questioning (Complete the PowerPoint).
A sound engineer scholarship has become available for three young adults at the Towngate Theatre. The role will be working with Microphones for their many shows. The Towngate Theatre have everything from live music, election debates to west-end musicals performing at the venue. To access the course the Towngate Theatre would like you to produce a report that highlights your technical knowledge of microphones. BRIEF
1. University/The-Essentials.aspxhttp:// University/The-Essentials.aspx Proximity effect - e=youtu.be&safe=active e=youtu.be&safe=active Good Websites
CriteriaPassMeritDistinction 1.1 Describe the key properties of commonly used microphones in music/sound production Candidates describe the key properties of commonly used microphones in music/sound production Candidates provide a detailed description of the key properties of commonly used microphones in music/sound production using appropriate technical terminology Candidates demonstrate critical judgement in their exploration of key properties in a wide range of microphones 1.2 Describe the factors affecting the choice of microphone with regard to typical sound sources Candidates describe the factors affecting the choice of microphone with regard to typical sound sources Candidates provide a detailed description of the factors affecting the choice of microphone with regard to typical sound sources, giving examples appropriate to the given context Candidates explore and evaluate a wide range of factors and choices of microphone appropriate to a variety of contexts 1.3 Select appropriate microphones for specified sound sources Candidates select appropriate microphones for specified sound sources Candidates demonstrate critical understanding of their selection of the appropriate microphone for a specific sound source Candidates explore a wide range of microphones and demonstrate critical judgement in their choice 1.4 Position microphones appropriately for good-quality recordings of typical sound sources Candidates position microphones appropriately for good-quality recordings of typical sound sources Candidates demonstrate critical understanding of the positioning of microphones based on artistic and technical criteria Candidates position microphones with insight, reflection and experimentation, based on meeting given artistic and technical criteria 1.5 Connect microphones to appropriate audio amplification or recording equipment Candidates connect microphones to appropriate audio amplification or recording equipment No MeritNo Distinction 1.6 Assess sound quality and microphone set-up Candidates assess sound quality and microphone set-up Candidates demonstrate critical understanding of sound quality and microphone set-up Candidates demonstrate critical judgement in assessing sound quality and explore a range of methods in setting up microphones UNIT 9: Marking
Properties of microphones 1.1 Describe the key properties of commonly used microphones in music/sound production Pass - Candidates describe the key properties of commonly used microphones in music/sound production Merit - Candidates provide a detailed description of the key properties of commonly used microphones in music/sound production using appropriate technical terminology Distinction - Candidates demonstrate critical judgement in their exploration of key properties in a wide range of microphones
Research the following microphones: Condenser Microphone Dynamic Microphone Next, list the advantages and disadvantages of each these. Task 1: Researching Microphones
Operate a digital audio workstation 1.1 Describe the key properties of commonly used microphones in music/sound production Key Properties Definition & Instrument Use Advantages Disadvantages Condenser Microphone Dynamic Microphone TASK : Complete the table below – You may use more than one page and expand with pictures.
Research the Polar Patterns/Directional Response in Microphones and concentrate on how the following are used. Cardioid Figure 8 Omni Directional Next, list the advantages and disadvantages of each these. Task 1: Microphone Research continued
Key Properties Definition & Instrument Use Advantages Disadvantages Polar Patterns / Directional response in Microphones Cardioid Figure 8 Omni Directional.
Set up an interview with the music technician at school ad discuss the following: Microphones with Phantom Power Proximity effect of Microphones Next, list the advantages and disadvantages of each these in sound/music production. Task 1: Interview the Music Technician
Operate a digital audio workstation 1.1 Describe the key properties of commonly used microphones in music/sound production Key Properties Definition & Instrument Use Advantages Disadvantages Microphones with Phantom Power Proximity effect of Microphones TASK : Complete the table below – You may use more than one page and expand with pictures.
Set up an interview with the music technician at school ad discuss the following: Microphones with Phantom Power Proximity effect of Microphones Next, list the advantages and disadvantages of each these in sound/music production. Task 1: Interview the Music Technician
Operate a digital audio workstation 1.1 Describe the key properties of commonly used microphones in music/sound production Key Properties Condenser Dynamic Frequency response of microphones TASK : Complete the table below – You may use more than one page and expand with pictures.
Choice of microphone 1.2 Describe the factors affecting the choice of microphone with regard to typical sound sources Pass - Candidates describe the factors affecting the choice of microphone with regard to typical sound sources Merit - Candidates provide a detailed description of the factors affecting the choice of microphone with regard to typical sound sources, giving examples appropriate to the given context Distinction - Candidates explore and evaluate a wide range of factors and choices of microphone appropriate to a variety of contexts
You need to choose two different sound sources to record. You need to attend a lunch time rehearsal of choir/rock band/solo singers/solo instrumentalists in school. Once chosen, you must give a detailed account of the factors that effect the choice of microphone according to the sound source chosen. You can also mention the influence it has on frequency and input signal. Task 2: Recording & listing factors that may effect choice of microphone
Operate a digital audio workstation You will be recording 2 of these SOLO SINGER GROUP OF SINGERS AMPLIFER KICK DRUMSNARE DRUMDRUM KIT
Operate a digital audio workstation 1.2 Describe the factors affecting the choice of microphone with regard to typical sound sources Sound source How will a Microphone make life harder for the performer / Audience Frequency (Low / High frequencies or a mixture) Input signal (will the volume remain the same?) Solo singer in Studio Group of singers Amplifier (Gtr / Keys) Kick Drum Snare drum
Microphones for specific sound 1.3 Select appropriate microphones for specified sound sources Pass - Candidates select appropriate microphones for specified sound sources Merit - Candidates demonstrate critical understanding of their selection of the appropriate microphone for a specific sound source Distinction - Candidates explore a wide range of microphones and demonstrate critical judgement in their choice
Complete the following: You must choose the most efficient microphone to use for the particular sound source. Explain why you have chosen this microphone. List the other possible microphones you could use and why you didn’t choose these. Task 3: Selecting the correct microphone for the appropriate sound source
Operate a digital audio workstation 1.3 Select appropriate microphones for specified sound sources Sound source The best Mic Why this mic?What other Mics did you consider and why did you not use them Solo singer Group of singers Amplifier (Gtr / Keys) Kick Drum Snare drum TASK : Choose a Microphone for each sound source
Position of microphones 1.4 Position microphones appropriately for good- quality recordings of typical sound sources Pass - Candidates position microphones appropriately for good-quality recordings of typical sound sources Merit - Candidates demonstrate critical understanding of the positioning of microphones based on artistic and technical criteria Distinction - Candidates position microphones with insight, reflection and experimentation, based on meeting given artistic and technical criteria
Complete the following: You must choose the correct microphone for your sound sources from the list of microphones. In the studio, you must position the microphones in good locations/positions for an accurate recording and document this process with evidence. Task 4: Positioning of Microphones
List of microphones available to school TASK : Choose a Microphone for each sound source – These are the Mics we have 1.4 Position microphones appropriately for good-quality recordings of typical sound sources Shure SM7b – With or without muff Shure SM57 beta AKG D112 AKG D40 Clyde STM9 It's a large diaphragm condenser. Polar pattern is cardioid.
1.4 Position microphones appropriately for good-quality recordings of typical sound sources What 2 sources are you going to record? Delete appropriately Operate a digital audio workstation SOURCE 1 SOURCE 2 SOLO SINGER SCHOOL CHOIR AMPLIFERSNARE DRUMDRUM KIT SOLO SINGER SCHOOL CHOIR AMPLIFERSNARE DRUMDRUM KIT TASK 1: TASK 2: Head to the studio and set up the mics ready to record. TAKE PHOTOS!!!
Connecting microphones 1.5 Connect microphones to appropriate audio amplification or recording equipment Pass - Candidates connect microphones to appropriate audio amplification or recording equipment Merit - No Merit Distinction - No Distinction
Complete the following: Give a detailed description how you have connected the equipment correctly in order to record. Task 5: Connecting microphones to appropriate amplification or recording equipment
1.5 Connect microphones to appropriate audio amplification or recording equipment Operate a digital audio workstation TASK: Add arrows to connect the microphone to the amp Dynamic Mic XLR Lead Powered amplifier
1.5 Connect microphones to appropriate audio amplification or recording equipment Operate a digital audio workstation TASK: Add arrows to connect the microphone to the mixer XLR Lead Condenser Mic Mixer with phantom power QUESTION: What needs to be on to power this mic …………………………………………………
1.5 Connect microphones to appropriate audio amplification or recording equipment Operate a digital audio workstation TASK: Add arrows to connect the Wireless Mic to the amp Wireless Mic Front XLR Lead Powered amplifier Wireless Mic Back QUESTION: What is meant by Matching the mic channels between Mic & Unit? ……………………………………………………………………………
Assess sound quality 1.6 Assess sound quality and microphone set-up Pass - Candidates assess sound quality and microphone set-up Merit - Candidates demonstrate critical understanding of sound quality and microphone set-up Distinction - Candidates demonstrate critical judgement in assessing sound quality and explore a range of methods in setting up microphones
Research the following questions in relation to: Sound Quality Microphone Set Up Task 6: Assess sound quality and microphone set up
1.6 Assess sound quality and microphone set-up SOUND QUALITY Operate a digital audio workstation QUESTION: What is ‘Spill’ or sometimes called ‘Bleed’ and why is it an important factor with Microphones? ………………………………………………………………………………………………… QUESTION: Explain Microphone sound compared with source sound ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… QUESTION: What is a pop shield? When should we use one and why? …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………...
1.6 Assess sound quality and microphone set-up SOUND QUALITY Operate a digital audio workstation QUESTION: Research how to best prevent wind when recording outside. ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… QUESTION: Use the options on the mixer (right) to explain the following Frequency balance: ……………………………………………………………………………… Distortion: ………………………………………………………………………………
1.6 Assess sound quality and microphone set-up Operate a digital audio workstation MICROPHONE SET-UP QUESTION: What are Boom stands? ………………………………………………………………………………………………… QUESTION: When completing 1.4 did you carry out any checks to ensure cables were fully working? ………………………………………………………………………………………………… CHECK 1: ………………………………………………………………………………………………… CHECK 2: For positioning of stands please refer to 1.4 …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Unit PositiveImprovementsCurrent grade UNIT 1: TEACHER FEEDBACK Set up and operate a digital audio workstation Name: ……………………… Tutor: ………………
UNIT 1: QUESTION & ANSWER Set up and operate a digital audio workstation Candidate Name Candidate Signature Assessor Name Assessor Signature QuestionResponseAssessment CriteriaDate