Michael Cooper, West Virginia University
West Virginia University Public, land-grant institution, founded in Located in Morgantown, West Virginia Sixteen colleges and schools offering 185 bachelor's, master's, doctoral, and professional degree programs Main campus: 29,500 students 21,500 undergraduate 8000 faculty/staff Four regional campuses WVU Extension Offices in all 55 counties
Recently received Compliance Audit notice Ongoing Compliance Audit Completed Compliance Audit Never been audited
Software asset management(SAM) is a process managing and optimizing the purchase deployment maintenance utilization disposal
“…all of the infrastructure and processes necessary for the effective management, control and protection of the software assets…throughout all stages of their lifecycle.”
Reduce costs Limit risk related to the ownership and use Maximize responsiveness and productivity
A single interface to deploy all hardware/software inventory and IT asset management processes Asset data audit, tracking Tracking of all hardware/software assets within a single database Asset tracking throughout the lifecycle including move, add, change and delete activities Service and maintenance contracts ensuring accurate tracking of financial and service impacts of asset changes Software metering functionality providing accurate monitoring of application usage Details on discovered software applications
Post graduation employment Meaningful sense of inclusion Sensitivity and flexibility Fun place to work
SaaS – Software as a Service PaaS – Platform as a Service IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service
most hype/focus USD $12bn in 2011 /$22bn by Salesforce.com and Office365. The SaaS providers bill monthly systems and processes can cope with monitoring SaaS spend
relatively uninteresting to the enterprise. Azure and Cloudbees are examples of PaaS. USD $0.5bn in 2011 / 2015 $1.7bn, PaaS is mainly used by SaaS companies as a platform for their offerings and to interconnect data.
Where your focus as an enterprise SAM practitioner needs to be. The phrases “Internal Cloud”, “External Cloud” and “Hybrid Cloud” typically refer to IaaS clouds. Moving from physical servers to an internal, shared services cloud of VM’s is what IaaS is all about. Migrating from internal VM’s to externally hosted VM’s in Amazon AWS or Rackspace is also IaaS. USD $4.2bn in / $19.6bn by 2015 – IaaS is the game changer for enterprise/corporate IT.
TAKE ON TOO MUCH Prioritize the events and vendors Go for quick wins!! CRAWL, WALK, RUN 80% software spend = 20% supplier portfolio
JUST A TOOL WON’T DO IT!! People Processes Tools = Savings and compliance
DEFINE SUCCESS Define metrics and dashboards Measure Not just back office function = Savings and compliance
1. ISACA audit program ‘Software Licensing’ 2. COBIT 5: a) APO10.02 Select suppliers b) BAI03.04 Procure solution components c) BAI09.05 Manage licenses 3. TechRepublic’s Software license compliance in 6 easy steps: 4. Business Software Alliance 5. Business Software Alliance: Software Audit Tools 6. Business Software Alliance: Government Guide for Software Management 7. eHow’s Prepare for Software Licensing Audit: 8. Sassafras KeyServer
How does your institution track software? How many resources are deployed for SAM? Have you used Engagement Services such as SoftAID or CDW? How are your resellers helping you with SAM? Does your Internal Audit office understand the risks? Are all your Software agreements reviewed by General Counsel?
Audited by Microsoft Adobe Oracle Novell Other
After your CLP expires, you no longer can use concurrent licenses in non-classroom/library installations. This impacts those who are using concurrent licenses to deliver Adobe products to staff and faculty in their administrative offices or laptop computers. Concurrent licenses can be used to install the product on a single user PC.
As of Jan 1, 2013 not available on: Design StandardDesign and Web PremiumProduction Premium Master CollectionPhotoshop CS6 Photoshop CS6 ExtendedIllustrator CS6 InDesign CS6Flash Pro CS6 Dreamweaver CS6Fireworks CS6 Premiere Pro CS6After Effects CS6 Audition CS6SpeedGrade CS6 Prelude CS6InCopy CS6
Individual products – perpetual license Enterprise Term Licensing Agreement Creative Cloud - Future