The First World War Intro
This was the biggest, most widespread war the world had ever seen. It involved the most people, the most countries, and the most land in any historical conflict before it
Between 1914 and 1918 there were over 65 million people directly involved in combat Over 10 million people died in the War Over 20 million were injured
Over twenty-seven countries were mentioned as the Allied and Associated Powers in the Treaty of Versailles. World War I, however, was truly global in its outreach because colonies of European nations also went to war.
Those who were involved were: Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Brazil, British Empire (Britain and British colonies including Australia, Canada, India, and New Zealand formed part of the Allied camp. The spread of the British colonies across the globe brought World War I to Africa and Asia.), Bulgaria, China, France and Colonies, German Empire, Greece, Italy, Japan,Liberia, Montenegro, Ottoman Empire, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, United States of America, Other countries such as Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, San Marino, and Siam were also involved in the Great War.
Almost no human impacted in some way Major technological advances Major political change within individual countries and globally New world map – new boundaries, new countries The death of some empires and the birth of new counties Economic prosperity to some countries & economic desperation in others
What could have possible caused 65 million people to go to war?
Form a hypothesis… a “best guess” on what caused the First World War (write this down somewhere) Begin your research… watch, search and read about the war and what people will suggest caused it Critically sift through it all to form your own theory Find evidence to support your theory Write a persuasive essay about what you believe caused the First World War.
Monday, Feb. 9 th – introduction of challenge Tuesday, Feb. 10 th – video, & print resources available Wednesday, Feb. 11 th – computers & print resources available Thursday, Feb. 12 th – computers & print resources available Friday, Feb. 13 th Paper DUE at 12:03 (computers available)
Lecture on the (most agreed upon) causes of the First World War Papers returned