Accommodations for Students with Special Needs in Mathematics: Are They Really Helping to Improve Mathematics Understanding Wisconsin Mathematics Council.


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Presentation transcript:

Accommodations for Students with Special Needs in Mathematics: Are They Really Helping to Improve Mathematics Understanding Wisconsin Mathematics Council State Mathematics Conference - Green Lake May 2008 Beth SchefelkerLee Ann Pruske Math Teaching Specialist, MPSTeacher In Residence, UWM

Session Goals To deepen understanding of the difference between accommodations and modifications. To engage in a mathematics activity that exemplifies formative assessment as a way of differentiation. To analyze student work to practice identifying student understanding and provide written feedback for misunderstandings.

Who Are The Student’s With Special Needs in Math? What are their strengths? What are their challenges? What are the some of the strategies used to assist them?

Let’s Try A Math Problem! How many paperclips have been spilled?

What Does Equity Mean in Mathematics? “…All students, regardless of their personal characteristics, backgrounds, or physical challenges, must have opportunities to study- and support to learn-mathematics. Equity does not mean that every student should receive the identical instruction; instead it demands that reasonable and appropriate accommodations be made as needed to promote access and attainment for all students.” Equity Principle, Principles And Standards for School Mathematics, (PSSM)

Accommodations Tools and procedures that provide equal access to instruction and assessment for students with disabilities. Accommodations do not alter or change the construct that is being measured. Without accommodations students with disabilities may not be able to access grade level instruction or participate fully in assessments.

Modifications Altering, reducing learning expectations. A change to what is being measured by the assessment. Modifications have a significant impact on the validity and reliability of assessment results. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Office of Educational Accountability

Concerns with Modifications Consistent use of modifications can increase the gap between the achievement of students with disabilities and the grade level expectations. This may have a negative impact on the student’s educational career as the student may not continue to progress and be able to obtain a regular diploma. Cortilla, Candace. No Child Left Behind: Determining Appropriate Assessment Accommodations for Students with Disabilities.

Looking at Student Work Part 1 This year, the third graders at Lincoln Elementary want to treat the whole school to popcorn. They have 55 popcorn kits. Each kit makes 9 servings of popcorn. Will they have enough servings to give popcorn to 436 students and 17 teachers?

Commonly Suggested Accommodations for Special Education students Separate problems on the worksheet. Use large print on overhead or printed materials Seat students close to the front. Highlight important parts in color. Talk at a slower rate and change tone and pitch. Minimize distractions. Use multiple representations of mathematics concepts.

Looking at Student Work Part 2 Sharing Money Silas has 45 cents and his brother has 23 cents. How much money would Silas need to give his brother so that they both have the same amount? Show how you would solve this problem in number words, and pictures.

Analyzing Student Work Complete the task. Act it out. Identify the key mathematical ideas. Identify anticipated student approaches. Identify anticipated student misconceptions. Review work samples and offer feedback statements.

Where Do We Go From Here? Differentiation of student learning is non-negotiable! Accommodations can be made to the environment in order to maintain the integrity of the mathematics being taught.