Gator Guided Tour Presented by: Louis Cheung, Sebastian Ruiz, and Supachot Suriyachai
Introduction Primary Purpose: Aid new UF students in the navigation of UF campus during the UF Preview Tour. Product features are divided into two categories: core features and additional features.
Introduction Core Features Campus Map Building Information GPS UF Preview Tour Current Events Additional Features User Specified Tours
Introduction Major Constraints 1 month to complete development, testing, and further documentation Team has little experience with android platform
Data Design
Architectural and Component- Level Design Three Control classes LocationManager: stores all Location objects. Contains array of location objects, a pointers to images for buildings, and a pointer to current location MapManager: represents and manages map, and contains info of a map EventManager: management of database of events stored. Retrieves relevant events in specified buildings. methods: getEvents, setEvents, printEvents, alterEvents, removeEvent, sortEvents, findEvent
User Interface Design ADT plug-in for Eclipse. View package provides basic classes and widgets for layout and interaction. MotionEvents and ScaleGestureDetector provide a methods for detecting and handling touch-screen gestures. KeyEvent will be used to dispatch key and button events
User Interface Design Ben Shneiderman’s “Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design” Strive for consistency. Offer informative feedback. ○ For frequent and minor actions, the response can be modest, while for infrequent and major actions, the response should be more substantial. Design dialog to yield closure. ○ Sequences of actions should be organized into groups with a beginning, middle, and end.
User Interface Design
Restrictions, Limitations, and Constraints Two of these are restrictions that are imposed externally. Reliance on published and finalized information from the University of Florida. Information withheld by UF Heavy reliance on Google Map API’s continued support on keeping these as open sources. Our software and what it can achieve is constrained by the accuracy of the GPS hardware in the user's mobile device.
Testing Issues The following methods are put to test: location(), search(), nextLocation(), withinRange(), getText(),getImg(), and research() Location class Upon query, the input for the manager class will provide the respective information. Research class provides the ability to read in script files in order to initialize the manager class. The location class contains the point of interests. The research class also is depended on by the manager class
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