Size of Nations’ Economies: Real Purchasing Power (PPP, 2012) Nation Rank Gross Domestic Product U.S.1$15.6 trillion China2$12.3 trillion India 3$4.7 trillion Japan 4$4.6 trillion Germany5$3.2 trillion Russia/Brazil6/7$2.4 trillion U.K./France9/10$2.3 trillion Mexico/Korea11/12$1.6 trillion
GDP per Person (IMF): Purchasing Power Parity (2012) NationGDP $ Per Capita Singapore, Norway ~ $57,000 U.S., H.K. ~ $51,000 Germany/Taiwan ~ $38,000 Japan, France ~ $35,000 Russia/Argentina/Chile ~ $17,500 Mexico/Turkey ~ $15,000 China/Thailand ~ $ 9,000 India/Vietnam ~ $ 3,800 Congo/Zimbabwe ~ $ 400
Economic Freedom of the World (Fraser Institute, Canada, 2011) NationRankingScore H.K Singapore28.73 New Zealand38.49 Switzerland48.30 Canada87.93 Australia U.S China Venezuela
Growth Competitiveness Index Rankings World Economic Forum 2013 Country Ranking Competition Score Switzerland15.67 Singapore25.61 Finland35.54 Germany45.51 U.S./Sweden5/65.48 HK75.47 Japan95.40 Taiwan Korea China Brazil India Russia Bottom—Middle East/African Countries
12 Growth Competitiveness Factors 1. Institutions: Property Rights, Ethics, Judicial and Government Integrity, Security, Needless Regulation, Government Waste 2. Infrastructure 3. Macroeconomic Environment Inflation, Debt, Savings (U.S. 111 th ) 4. Health and Primary Education (see for details)
Growth Competitiveness Factors 5. Higher Education and Training 6. Market Efficiency 7. Labor Market Efficiency 8. Financial Market Development 9. Technological Readiness 10. Market Size 11. Business Sophistication 12. Innovation (IP Protection; R&D)
World Bank Rankings (2013): Economy Ease of Doing Business Business Singapore1 Hong Kong2 U.S.4 S. Korea7 Taiwan16 Germany21 Japan27 Mexico53 China96 – like Russia & Vietnam India134
World Bank—Doing Business Factors: Ease of starting a business Dealing with construction permits Registering property Getting credit Protecting Investors Paying taxes Trading across borders Enforcing contracts Bankruptcy Process
Top Developing Retail Economies A.T. Kearney (Global Management Consulting Co.) 2013 Rankings RankCountry 1Brazil 2Chile 3Uruguay 4China 5United Arab Emirates 6Turkey 7-8Mongolia-Georgia 9Kuwait 10Armenia Factors: Financial attractiveness; workforce skills and availability; business environment; political stability
Corruption Perception Index 2013: Transparency International Nation Ranking Score N.Z./Denmark1-291 Finland/Sweden3-489 Norway/Swiss/Singapore5-786 Canada/Australia U.K./Hong Kong Japan/U.S France2271 Taiwan3661 South Korea4655 China8040 India/Philippines9436 Russia/Pakistan12728 Afghan/N. Korea/Somalia
Investing in Politicians Pays “Deficit Deal” in 2012—Congress and administration added $222 m. tax rebates for liquor makers; $78 m. tax writeoffs for NASCAR owners; $62 m. tax credit for one StarKist tuna plant; and $410 m. special tax benefits for Hollywood movie studios. Varian (maker of radiation tools for treating brain tumors) exempted (by Sen. Harry Reid) from 58% price cut in Medicare reimbursement that will apply to products made by its competitors. Biggest winner: Amgen (74 lobbyists) got $500 m. special benefits in Medicare pricing.