Elementary Math Adoption Process Soquel Union Elementary School District
Pilot Decisions Made at Site Level… Soquel Elementary EngageNY Santa Cruz Gardens EveryDay Math EngageNY Main Street Bridges Context for Learning
Purpose of a Pilot Year Final Decision Bridges EveryDay Math Bridges Pearson’s Envision EngageNY
A Year of Challenges Teachers : Learning new curriculum (and likely learn another one!) Learning new strategies Figuring out how it all fits together Learning new common core standards No benchmark test that is common core aligned to measure where are students are performing Lack of technology/infrastructure Parents: Process looks different from the way we were taught How do I help with homework? Teachers : Learning new curriculum (and likely learn another one!) Learning new strategies Figuring out how it all fits together Learning new common core standards No benchmark test that is common core aligned to measure where are students are performing Lack of technology/infrastructure Parents: Process looks different from the way we were taught How do I help with homework?
Pilots for Consideration BridgesEveryDay MathEngageNYPearson Scott Foresman enVision*Pearson InvestigationsHoughton Mifflin Harcourt Expressions*
What Process will we follow? Timeline?Timeline?
Pilot Committee TeachersPrincipalsDirector
Narrow Choices 2-3 Final Choice enVision EngageNY enVision Bridges
All Pilot Materials will be on display for viewing by teachers, parents and board members March/April
If we adopt a new curriculum how does it all fit together? SVMI Strategies such as number talks, cooperative problem solving SVMI Strategies such as number talks, cooperative problem solving Context For Learning problem solving units Context For Learning problem solving units CGI (cognitively guided instruction CGI (cognitively guided instruction New Adopted Materials New Adopted Materials SVMI Strategies such as number talks, cooperative problem solving SVMI Strategies such as number talks, cooperative problem solving Context For Learning problem solving units Context For Learning problem solving units CGI (cognitively guided instruction CGI (cognitively guided instruction New Adopted Materials New Adopted Materials Curriculum (Adoption and supplementals such as Context for Learning) Instructional Strategies (CGI, SVMI, math word walls) Well Rounded Mathematics Program Assessments (MARS, benchmarks, chapter test)
Timeline August-January 3 Pilots January-June Pilots (New and Continued) March-April (narrow choices to 2-3 based on committee findings/teacher input) April Committee makes final decision with teacher input May Purchase and Inservice training planned for August
Clarifying Questions about the Process…
In an Ideal Situation… Continue to use old curriculum Learn new common core strategies Get familiar with the rigor of the SBAC practice tests Watch what other districts adopt…visit and learn Adopt in BUT… Previous district wide curriculum is missing