Billing & Invoicing An ACEware Presentation Follow the Money!
What you can expect today... Billing Basics Payment Plans Invoices Aging Reports Contract Courses
NOTE: For Student Manager users who purchased before 2005 The Company Invoicing Module was an optional Module: If you did not purchase it, you may add It at any time. ( Current price $695) Not sure: Check out the “Optional Module Reporter”
Do you have Company Invoicing on your SM
Why use Company Invoicing? Save Time Professional Looking Invoices Manage your accounts receivable ?
Set up a billing Invoices start by setting up a payment With type: Billing
Invoice # Billing date ( user preference) Can edit OTF Who is picking up the tab… Setting a billing: A “Bill” is not an “Invoice” until an Invoice Number is Assigned.
Record PO # Set payor name Billing Default is: a)Student’s Firm b)Student
OR Select alternate payer or firm Billing a third party Or just type in the new “Bill To” person/Org
Payment Plans
To spread payments over time Choose “Payment Plan” to set up installments
Enter the number of payments Student Manager divides the amount due equally over the total number of installments You may edit the dates/amounts
A few important notes! Payment plans Default to a 30-day Cycle (but you may edit) Payment plans ARE NOT allowed with grouped registrations Based on Bill Date, Student Manager finds the next installment when you “Run Invoices”
“Billing Only” Registrations Typically used for Contract Classes
Billing Record Enable the Billing Record feature on the Preferences / Registration tab “Use Bill / Pay Reg Type”
Billing Record Selecting Billing Record allows you to clear out CEU’s, Hours & Credits Leaving the name (and the money) with the course
On the roster... Payor is not on the roster or included in enrollment count
Billing Preferences
Assigns an invoice number to a billing record when you save the payment We generally DO NOT recommend This Option.
Billing Preferences Assign Invoice # at Time of Billing If you ONLY will have one bill to that “Billee” DO NOT Assign # at Time of Billing If you anticipate multiple bills to the that “Billee”
Payment Preferences Registrar enters payment amount – Disabled auto entry of payment amount Blank payment amount
Invoices are Based on Billings & Must Meet 3 Criteria Must have Payment Type “Billing” Billing record created prior to today Receipt/Invoice Number field empty 123
Invoices are combined PO Numbers match (if they were entered) Firm is an exact match IF...
Running invoices
To run invoices
Print New Invoices Un Check To Run Query “Print New Invoices” runs un-invoiced bills that fall on or before reference date
You have options for how Invoices are ordered…
If all is well (and invoices printed) Assign Invoice Numbers to Billings
Invoicing preferences
Invoicing Preferences A Level 5 or above can set a starting invoice number Determines the date that is stamped on a Billing (when entering registration).. and that date may be edited You CAN create a custom date (ie: always the 15 th of NEXT month)
can be made through Module / Invoices Or, make payments on individual registrations (if the invoice is for a single registration)
Select payment type Confirm information
If payment is less than owed
Aging reports
Aging Report (when they haven’t paid!)
Aging Report
Contract Tips Charging a flat fee? Create a “Paid by Company” $0 fee, and a Contract Price fee (# 2 fee) Charging per person? Establish one registrant with a billing record, then use the number of seats option Speed Entry (of students) Module / Registrations / Speed Registration Entry Want more.. See Webinar Archives
Don’t forget… you’ve got HELP.. Next Webinar: Meet Next Generation ACEware NxT April 9 th 1:15pm Don’t forget… you’ve got HELP..
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