RIMMF, or, Cataloguing without MARC Céline Carty, University of Cambridge Linked Data: what cataloguers need to know #cigld CIG Event, 25 November 2013
RIMMF = RDA In Many Metadata Formats
RIMMF is… …a visualization tool for cataloguers, to help them to get used to thinking of RDA, instead of thinking AACR/MARC …a cataloguing training tool, to help teach RDA, and so FRBR, thinking
RIMMF is not… …a real cataloguing tool (you can’t use the records in your library management system)
Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item descriptions are all separate but linked Persons, corporate bodies, subject and other entities also separate but linked
Download RIMMF:
See also… … current non-MARC input systems … next gen systems with non-MARC options … the future!