Turning Urban Waste into Valuable Resources Trevor Ward CTO CSIRO WtE ©2014 AnaeCo Ltd 1
Contents Introduction to AnaeCo Overview of AnaeCo's Advanced Waste Treatment solutions. Description of AnaeCo’s DiCOM ™ Bioconversion Process which uses a hybrid Aerobic/ Anaerobic technique. Mass Energy Balance for an AnaeCo AWT Plant. CSIRO WtE ©2014 AnaeCo Ltd2
Introduction to AnaeCo Founded in 1999 AnaeCo (ASX:ANQ) is a publicly listed Australian waste technology designer and provider of advanced waste treatment systems based on patented AnaeCo™ solutions. The AnaeCo™ System combines proven: –Material recovery, –Anaerobic digestion, and –Aerobic composting processes. With the objective of recovering maximum value from municipal solid waste (MSW) by: –Recycling precious commodities, –Diverting waste from landfill, –Producing quality organic fertiliser, and –Generating renewable energy. CSIRO WtE ©2014 AnaeCo Ltd3
AnaeCo™ System CSIRO WtE ©2014 AnaeCo Ltd4 Patented AWT Solutions
AnaeCo™ System CSIRO WtE ©2014 AnaeCo Ltd5
Shenton Park - AnaeCo™ AWT Plant CSIRO WtE ©2014 AnaeCo Ltd6 Started Ramp Up June 2014
DiCOM™ Bioconversion Hybrid biological process which integrates both aerobic and anaerobic (thermophilic) bioconversion cycles in a single digester vessel. Patented process that creates a unique environment for the microbial population resulting in accelerated conversion of organic material to produce stabilised quality organic fertiliser and biogas in a 21 day cycle. The main components of the Bioconversion Facility are: –DiCOM™ vessel ~ 1000 m 3 (process organics during anaerobic and aerobic phases). –Process water tank ~ 600 m 3 (storage of the anaerobic microbiology - ’inoculum’ ). –Screw feed conveyors and de-watering presses (for input, output and handling of organic material to and from the DiCOM vessels). –Odour Management & Biogas processing systems. –Safety Instrumentation System. CSIRO WtE ©2014 AnaeCo Ltd7
S1 DiCOM™ Aerobic Stage 1 ~ 5 Days - Vessel loading ( up to ~ 700 t) of cleaned organic from MRF via conveyor and aerobic processing using patented pressurised (~ 28 kPa) aeration method, during which the temperature of the organic material elevates ready for the high temperature anaerobic stage. Headspace purged with Nitrogen before transition to next stage. CSIRO WtE ©2014 AnaeCo Ltd8 Organics + O 2 → CO 2 + Heat Organics Air Blower Inoculum pH > C N Purge Odour Management Cleaned Organics OFMSW from MRF Glass & grit
S2 DiCOM™ Anaerobic Stage 2 ~ 11 days - Anaerobic Processing with bacterial inoculum transferred from process water tank to digester vessel and maintained at thermophilic temperature range (55 o C) which ensures pasteurisation. Bacterial inoculum transferred back to process water tank at end of stage and maintained for future anaerobic cycles. CSIRO WtE ©2014 AnaeCo Ltd9 Organics + Inoculum Organics Inoculum Odour Management Biogas CH 4,CO 2,H 2 S.. 55 o C
S3 DiCOM™ Aerobic Stage 3 ~ 5 days – Secondary aerobic treatment with pressurised aeration ensuring that the material is stabilised before unloading. Composted material discharged through dewatering press to deliver organic fertiliser with ~ 50% moisture content. CSIRO WtE ©2014 AnaeCo Ltd10 Dewatering Press ~ 50% moisture Organics Air Blower Organic Fertiliser Odour Management Inoculum pH > C
Base Case Mass and Energy Balance CSIRO WtE ©2014 AnaeCo Ltd11 MSW Input 55,000 tpa ~ 60% Organic Fraction (=> OFMSW ~ tpa dry ) Biogas Production ~ 4400 tpa ( 55-60% CH4) ~ 110 m3 CH 4 per dry ton of OFMSW Compost 26,466 tpa wet ~ 88 % Organics Diversion Energy Recovery ~ 838 kW electrical (~7000 MWh pa) ~ 908 kW thermal Residuals ~ 12,483 tpa wet ~ 77 % Landfill Diversion Recovered ~ 473 tpa ferrous ~ 191 tpa aluminium ~ 655 tpa plastics ~ 8,937 tpa wet Glass & Grit Water Input ~ 7768 tpa Electricity Balance Use ~ 370 kW average Export ~ 468 kW average N.B. Waste Composition : EC Sustainable Report Benchmarking Audit City of Nedlands & City of Stirling Feb 2010
Aim to maximise diversion of MSW from landfill in an environmentally sustainable manner. Questions ?