WHO ARE WE? Design autonomous underwater vehicle/robotic submarine Compete at annual International RoboSub competition in San Diego
ROBOSUB COMPETITION? Underwater obstacle course in an anechoic sonar testing pool – TRANSDEC Hosted by AUVSI + RoboNation in San Diego Held in a military naval base Universities and engineering companies from all over the world
AQUATUX SPECS AND KNOWN ISSUES Hull – hard to balance (ballasts) PVC-pipe frame 5 thrusters – 1 less degree of freedom Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) No automatic leak detection Netbook
0. EXECUTIVE TEAM Administration, logistics, organization 1. MECHANICAL TEAM Hull, frame, component positioning/encasing 2. ELECTRONICS TEAM Design electronic components to drive the submarine and accomplish required tasks 3. SOFTWARE TEAM Design high level task algorithms and low level vision algorithms
WHAT THE TEAM COVERS Positioning of motors Placement of electronics within the submarine Framework for attaching additional peripherals Etc.
WHAT THE TEAM COVERS SUBMARINE HULL TORPEDO LAUNCHER Attached to the frame (or implemented to the hull) Objective: launch projectile to hit designated target
WHAT THE TEAM COVERS MARKER DROPPER Drop markers into a target area GRABBER Remove pegs from a board and put them back
HOW THE TEAM WORKS WEEKLY MEETINGS Scheduled at the most convenient time Main goal: Brainstorming ideas and presenting progress DESIGN SESSIONS/TUTORIALS (for people who are interested) CAD software – Solidworks, ANSYS, etc. 3D Printing Basic machining skills for submarine construction
WHAT THE TEAM COVERS ALL ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS INSIDE SUB Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) Batteries and Power Management Circuits Motor Driver Circuits Instrumentation and Acquisition Circuits Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and Interfacing Circuits Internal Wiring and Connectors
THE FPGA Interfaces sensors with software Determines signals to send to thrusters with a low- level control system to stabilize motion Communicates with high-level software with simple commands like get/set attitude Implements signal processing algorithms for triangulating SONAR pinger
PLANNED PROJECTS ANALOG Complete/fabricate SONAR acquisition board Debug and iterate upon design Modify motor driver board Design wiring system for new hull DIGITAL Complete High-Speed Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Design SONAR signal processing system Integrate and debug with analog SONAR system Begin design of new control system
SKILLS YOU WILL DEVELOP USE INDUSTRY-LEVEL CAD TOOLS FOR: Circuit Simulation and Schematic Capture PCB Layout Digital Logic design with Verilog HDL HANDS-ON SKILLS Soldering surface mount components The art of circuit debugging Signal processing basics Digital logic debugging
SOFTWARE TEAM Team Breakdown
WHAT THE TEAM COVERS Program onboard Linux netbook with C++ Work with real-time data input from FPGA Image processing algorithms and procedures Artificial Intelligence Simulator
NEW CODE ARCHITECTURE Logging Unit testing Design patterns MVC New simulator GUIs New vision algorithms OpenCV Graphics Card acceleration THE PLAN
HOW THIS TEAM WORKS GitHub Repository Fork and Pull Method Weekly meetings in an agile, scrum-like environment
MEMBER EXPECTATIONS Attend weekly and team-wide meetings Commit to the tasks you set out to do Communication
WHY JOIN? Apply in-class theory to real-life applications Learn lots of new and interesting technologies that fit perfectly on your resume Interact with other universities and companies Talk to Alumni and PEY students Make new friends and expand your network!
QUESTIONS? Stay around and check out our club room