INDEX Bibliograhical Heritage DL European Initiative Initiatives in Spain Hispana Digital Collections Virtual Library of Bibliographical Heritage Hispanic Digital Library Historical Newspapers Virtual Library of Historical Newspapers Digital Periodical Library
Digital Libraries initiative European Commission 2005 The European Commission launched the "Digital Libraries initiative” within the Commission's i2010 strategy for the Information Society in The purpose: To make Europe’s cultural, audiovisual and scientific heritage accessible to all. Priority areas: Online accessibility. The digitisation of analogue collections. The preservation and storage of digital content. Scientific information. Communication from the Commission of 30 September 2005 to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – i2010: digital libraries [COM(2005) 465 final – Official Journal C 49 of ].
Digital Libraries initiative appreciate cultural heritage use Making the wealth of material contained in European libraries, museums and archives available online will make it easier for citizens to appreciate their cultural heritage and use it for study, work or leisure. Reasons: To provide the widest possible access for the general public. To ensure their survival. Challenges: Financial challenges. Organisational challenges. Technical challenges. Legal challenges. DIGITISATION Preserving digital collections!
Digital Collections: EU considerations Member States are encouraged to: Collect information for producing overviews of digitisation. Develop quantitative targets for digitisation. Create public-private partnerships for funding purposes. Develop facilities for large-scale digitisation; Endorse the European Digital Library. Improve the conditions in which cultural material is digitised and accessed online. Set-up national strategies and action plans. Establish appropriate legislative provisions for the multiple copying and migration of digital material, as well as for the preservation of web-content. Create policies and procedures for the deposit of digital materia. Commission Recommendation 2006/585/EC of 24 August 2006 on the digitisation and online accessibility of cultural material and digital preservation [Official Journal L 236 of ].
Spanish bibliographical heritage Initiatives of the Subdirectorate General for Library Coordination: To disseminate To preserve Efforts to build consensus for the project: Cooperation of Spain’s autonomous communities (regional governments). Technologies procedures compliant with the action Digital Libraries of the EU’s VII Framework Programme. the national bibliographical heritage
Spanish bibliographical heritage Complex issues affecting technical treatment and preservation. The digitisation of collections and their online distribution using well-known digital library standards: DC OAI-PMH OAIS Premis SRU/SW EDM
Traditional bibliograhic union catalog (1988- ) First stage
Harvester and Directory of Spanish Digital Collections
Virtual Library of Bibliographical Heritage Digital facsimiles of the collections that make up Spanish bibliographic heritage. The manuscripts, incunabula and old printed books have been selected due to: Their rarity. Their bibliographic relevance. Their representativiness. Their links with local or historic collections. Other important collections are now being added: The War of Independence. The independence of the Latin American Republics.
Virtual Library of Bibliographical Heritage Aims: To help citizens to get closer to their bibliographic heritage. To help humanities researchers. To use technological tools applied to bibliographic information. To contribute to Europeana project to create a database that will include the bibliographic heritage of all the state members.
Virtual Library of Bibliographical Heritage Technical features MARC21. The authority records can also be reviewed through access points in English coming from the Library of Congress. The VLBH has a repository OAI-PMH compliant and is one of the architectural cornerstones of Europeana. VLBH dynamically updates the OAI repository from the MARC21 records, which are automatically transformed into Dublin Core metadata schemes. The VLBH also has a SRU server meeting the specifications of the Library of Congress.
Virtual Library of Bibliographical Heritage Technical features Multipage digital object allows images of the item described to be viewed in JPEG format. MARC21 format and the labelling or ISBD can be shown, downloaded or sent by . The standardised access points, bibliographic description, holding records and the digital copy are grouped according to METS. VLBH takes account of needs of specialists in old printed books -access points, the places where they were printed or copied (in the case of manuscripts) and the names and possible variations of their printers, booksellers and copyists-.
Hispanic Digital Library Spanish National Library Created in It provides access to thousands of digitised documents: Books printed from the 15th to the 19th century. Manuscripts. Drawings. Engravings. Historic newspapers and magazines. Pamphlets, posters, photographs, maps, atlases, music scores, and audio recordings. Video
Hispanic Digital Library Objectives: Objectives: To disseminate Spanish cultural heritage while assuring that our cultural legacy is protected and safeguarded. To fullfill the commitment to the European Union to help create the future European Digital Library. To become an essential tool for fostering research into our culture by enabling scholars and hispanicists to examine digitised holdings from anywhere in the world.
Regional Digital Collections Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucía Biblioteca Virtual de Asturias Galiciana. Biblioteca Dixital de Galicia Memoria Digital de Catalunya
Other relevant collections Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes Archivo Virtual de la Edad de Plata scador.jsp/ Biblioteca digital Dioscórides Biblioteca digital de la Universidad de Salamanca
Digital Periodical Collections The press is in greater danger of disappearing. The access to the original ones is restricted only to researchers. Their management requires special care because of the fragility presented. There are major digitisation projects.
The Virtual Library of Historical Newspapers Result of a process of cooperative digitising by the Ministry of Culture and the Autonomous Regions and other memory institutions. It’s possible to search for any word on any page of any digital newspaper. The solution was provided by ALTO.
Digital Periodical Library It is part of Hispanic Digital Library project. This hemeroteca was born in March It provides access to the digital collection of historic Spanish press that houses the National Library. Reference collection for research and consultation of both magazines and the Spanish historical press. It is in continuous development.
Digital Periodical Library A new version of the application has been put into in Standards: OAI and Europeana. Improvements in the search interface. The application that manages the collection allows you to find either a specific title as a set of publications issued in one place or on a certain date.
Digital Periodical Collections (1)