Varicose Veins Core Surgical Trainees Vascular Teaching Day Kent and Canterbury Hospital 1st December 2009 Hasantha Thambawita SpR Vascular Surgery
Epidemiology ½ of the population suffer from some form of lower limb varicose vein problems ½ of the population suffer from some form of lower limb varicose vein problems Female 50-55% Female 50-55% Male 40-45% Male 40-45% But only ½ of them have visible varicose veins But only ½ of them have visible varicose veins Lower limb ulcers Lower limb ulcers Venous-75% Venous-75% Arterial Arterial traumatic traumatic
Varicose Veins Definition Definition Dilated, elongated and tortuous veins Dilated, elongated and tortuous veins Dilatation Dilatation Elongation Elongation Tortuous Tortuous
Anatomy of leg veins 3 Systems 3 Systems Deep System Deep System Superficial system Superficial system Long saphenous vein Long saphenous vein Short saphenous vein Short saphenous vein Perforators Perforators
Physiology of Venous function Vis a tergo of circulation Vis a tergo of circulation Competent valves in the system Competent valves in the system Muscle pump Muscle pump Negative intra thoracic pressure Negative intra thoracic pressure
Surgical Pathology Incompetence of valves Incompetence of valves Perforators Perforators LSV & SSV LSV & SSV SFJ & SPJ SFJ & SPJ Deep veins Deep veins
Aetiology Congenital Congenital Primary (Idiopathic) 95% Primary (Idiopathic) 95% Congenital incompetence of valves &/or weakness of muscular coat Secondary5% Secondary5%
Primary Prolonged standing Prolonged standing Violent muscular effects Violent muscular effects Obesity Obesity Ageing Ageing OCP OCP HRT HRT FHx FHx
Secondary Pregnancy Pregnancy Abdominal or Pelvic tumours Abdominal or Pelvic tumours Chronic constipation Chronic constipation Local damage to valves Local damage to valves Thromboplebitis Thromboplebitis Phebothrombosis Phebothrombosis Arterio Venous fistulas Arterio Venous fistulas Cavernous haemangioma Cavernous haemangioma
Symptoms/Signs Tiredness & Dull ache Tiredness & Dull ache Night cramps Night cramps With complications With complications
Complications Itching Itching Disfigurement Disfigurement Eczema Eczema Swelling around ankle Swelling around ankle Pigmentation Pigmentation Ulceration Ulceration Periostitis Periostitis Calcification of vein wall Calcification of vein wall Haemorrhage Haemorrhage Thromboplebitis Thromboplebitis
Types of Veins Thread veins Thread veins Spider veins Spider veins Reticular veins Reticular veins Small varicose veins Small varicose veins Elongated tortuous veins Elongated tortuous veins Saphina varix Saphina varix
Clinical tests 1. Identify system I. Observation II. Tap test ( Schwartz test) 2. Incompetent perforator/valves I. Cough impulse – SFI II. Trendelenberg test – SFI,SPI,Perforators 3. Patency of deep veins I. Perthes’ test “Historical” --- replaced with Doppler
Don’t forget……. Distal pulses Distal pulses Ankle mobility Ankle mobility Abdominal examination (DER) Abdominal examination (DER)
Investigations Duplex scan Duplex scan (Venography) --- MRV (Venography) --- MRV
CEAP Classification Clinical Clinical C1 = Thread veins C1 = Thread veins C2 = Std VVs C2 = Std VVs C3 = Oedema C3 = Oedema C4 = Pigmentation C4 = Pigmentation C5 = Healed ulcer C5 = Healed ulcer C6 = Active ulcer C6 = Active ulcer (A)Etiology (A)Etiology Congenital Congenital Primary Primary Secondary Secondary Anatomy Anatomy Deep LSV SSV Perforators Combination(s) Pathophysiology Pathophysiology Reflux Obstruction Combination
Group & Action CEAP – 1 No need to refer to NHS clinic, cosmetic problem only CEAP – 1 No need to refer to NHS clinic, cosmetic problem only CEAP – 2 Refer routinely to Varicose Vein Clinic CEAP – 2 Refer routinely to Varicose Vein Clinic CEAP 3 – 5 Refer soon to "Fast Track Varicose Vein Clinic" for venous duplex ultrasound assessment CEAP 3 – 5 Refer soon to "Fast Track Varicose Vein Clinic" for venous duplex ultrasound assessment CEAP 6 - Refer urgently to "One Stop Leg Ulcer Clinic" for full leg ulcer assessment CEAP 6 - Refer urgently to "One Stop Leg Ulcer Clinic" for full leg ulcer assessment
Treatment Options o Symptomatic o Obliteration of venous lumen o Removal of vein
Indications Cosmetic Cosmetic NHS guidelines NHS guidelines 1. Symptoms 2. Complications/prevention of complications
Symptomatic Treatment Indications Indications Aged Aged Pregnancy/Peuperium Pregnancy/Peuperium Unfit/refuse/waiting for surgery Unfit/refuse/waiting for surgery Pelvic tumours Pelvic tumours DVT DVT
Symptomatic treatment - Methods 1. Postural drainage 2. Exercise 3. Support
Obliteration of venous lumen Indications Indications Below knee Below knee < 5mm < 5mm Following surgery (adjunct) Following surgery (adjunct) Existing causes Existing causes Alternative to surgery Alternative to surgery
Obliteration of venous lumen - Methods 1. Sclerotherapy 2. Form injections 3. Laser 4. Radiofrequency
Surgery Indications Indications As a primary modality As a primary modality Remove unsightly veins Remove unsightly veins Failed other options Failed other options
Surgical Options 1. Ligation 2. Ligation & stripping 3. Ligation, stripping & BK multiple avulsions
Complications of Surgery Pain Pain Bruising Bruising Recurrence Recurrence Groin complications Groin complications Infection Infection Paraesthesiae Paraesthesiae Scar Scar
Contraindications DVT DVT Pregnancy Pregnancy Thrombophlebitis Thrombophlebitis OCP OCP Peripheral vascular disease Peripheral vascular disease