From Blue to You Depression and Men Quiz
A passing blue mood is the same as depression. TrueTrue FalseFalse
Which of the following statements is/are true? Depression is a purely psychological disorderDepression is a purely psychological disorder Most men can just "snap out" of a depressionMost men can just "snap out" of a depression A man can talk himself of depression with positive thinkingA man can talk himself of depression with positive thinking All of the aboveAll of the above None of the aboveNone of the above
TrueTrue FalseFalse If a man has depression there is nothing he can do about it.
Increased use of alcohol or drugsIncreased use of alcohol or drugs Difficulty concentratingDifficulty concentrating AggressionAggression OverworkingOverworking All of the aboveAll of the above Which of the following is/are symptoms of depression in men?
TrueTrue FalseFalse Medications used to treat depression are addictive or habit-forming.
Men and women experience depression the same. TrueTrue FalseFalse
In a given year, how many American men have depressive disorders? 1 million1 million 6 million6 million 8 million8 million
unemployedunemployed marriedmarried a fathera father 50 years old50 years old One in seven men will develop depression within 6 months of becoming _______________.
Which population of adult men with depression is least likely to seek or receive treatment? Single menSingle men Married menMarried men African American menAfrican American men White menWhite men
Men recently diagnosed with depression are at double the risk of _________ in the next five years. cardiovascular problemscardiovascular problems cancercancer diabetesdiabetes None of the aboveNone of the above
References Bailey, D.F. and Moore, J.L. III. “Emotional Isolation, Depression, and Suicide Among African American Men: Reasons for Concern.” Pacific Grove, CA Books/Cole. Gray, D. (2008). The first 48 hours: Top 10 depression myths debunked. Retrieved from on 1/30/08 Kennard, J. (2007). Depression in Men. Retrieved from Mayo Clinic Staff (2008). Male depression: Don't ignore the symptoms. Retrieved from National Institute of Mental Health NIMH (2008). The numbers count: mental illness in America. Retrieved from Science on Our Minds Fact Sheet Series.Science on Our Minds Fact Sheet Series NIMH (2008). Men and Depression. Retrieved from Nutrition Health Center (2008). Depression Statistics Information. Retrieved from Robert, T. (2008). Depression myths quiz: Do you have all the facts straight on depression? Retrieved from on 1/30/ World Health Organization (2008). Depression
Copyright © 2010 for materials developed by University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension. This publication may be reproduced in portions or its entirety for educational or nonprofit purposes only. Permitted users shall give credit to the author(s) and include this copyright notice. Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. Leigh Ann Simmons; MFT, PhD former Assistant Professor Department of Family Studies Ester Edwards, BS Graduate student Department of Family Studies Leslie Crofford, MD Professor, College of Medicine April 2010 Health Education through Extension Leadership The development of the HEEL program was made possible by Senator Mitch McConnell with funds earmarked for the University of Kentucky, College o f Agriculture, Lexington Ky. and budgeted through the CSREES/USDA Federal Administration. For More Information…