PROGRAMS AND MISSION STATEMENTS Beginning the Process For the Instructional Learning Outcomes Council (I-LOC) Created by Michael Gos
Identifying Programs Assessment at Lee College is being done at two levels: By program By course We will begin at the program level. But first, we must decide “what are our programs?” That requires a definition. For the Instructional Learning Outcomes Council (I-LOC) Created by Michael Gos
A Program is... A unified sequence of courses for which designated faculty members accept responsibility. A division is NOT a program. A department is NOT a program. Generally, multiple programs exist within a single department. Let’s take a look at one example: For the Instructional Learning Outcomes Council (I-LOC) Created by Michael Gos
Programs Within a Division A typical division will have courses that naturally group together because of the content or skills they feature. Within the English and Humanities Division, for example, there are three programs: 1.Writing 2.Literature 3.Humanities For the Instructional Learning Outcomes Council (I-LOC) Created by Michael Gos
Programs Within a Division Writing Program ENGL 1301: Composition 1 ENGL 1302: Composition 2 ENGL 2311: Technical Writing BUSI 1304: Business and Technical Report Writing Humanities Program HUMA 1301: Introduction to Humanities 1 HUMA 1302: Introduction to Humanities 2 Literature Program British Literature American Literature Creative Writing World Literature Folklore For the Instructional Learning Outcomes Council (I-LOC) Created by Michael Gos
Writing Mission Statements Once programs are defined, each program needs to have a mission statement. This short (one paragraph) statement guides the general principles and values of the program’s curriculum. The mission statement sets the philosophical position from which we will later derive the program’s goals and outcomes. Mission statements generally define the broad purposes the program aims to achieve, describe the community the program serves, and state the values and guiding principles that define the program’s standards. For the Instructional Learning Outcomes Council (I-LOC) Created by Michael Gos
Writing the Mission Statement Mission statements will take one of the following forms: The mission of (insert program name) is to (state primary purpose of the program) by providing (state the primary functions or activities) to (name the stakeholder audience). (Add any clarifying statements) -or- The (insert program name) will (state primary purpose of program) for (name the stake holder audience) by (state the primary functions or activities). (Add any clarifying statements) For the Instructional Learning Outcomes Council (I-LOC) Created by Michael Gos
Mission Statement Examples Format 1 Example: The mission of the Lee College Vocational Nursing Program is to prepare students to successfully complete the vocational nursing certification licensure examination and gain employment by providing quality instruction in the knowledge, application, and creation of skills essential to nurse practitioners. Format 2 Example: The Lee College Professional Administrative Technology program will prepare students for an administrative career in office environments by constructing employment documents, using effective job search skills, producing documents in current and emerging technologies, and demonstrating organized oral and written communication skills. For the Instructional Learning Outcomes Council (I-LOC) Created by Michael Gos
The Next Steps… Focus on concepts students need to retain over the long term Program Goals Measureable statements of what a student will be able to do Student Learning Outcomes These are covered in the next unit. For the Instructional Learning Outcomes Council (I-LOC) Created by Michael Gos