The Science of Creation and the Religion of Evolution
Review Week 1: Why is a belief in a six-day creation important to defend as a Christian? Week 1: Why is a belief in a six-day creation important to defend as a Christian? Week 2: What is the difference between repeatable science and historical science? Week 2: What is the difference between repeatable science and historical science? Week 2: How does a worldview influence how a person interprets scientific evidence? Week 2: How does a worldview influence how a person interprets scientific evidence? Week 3: Questions/comments about the video? Week 3: Questions/comments about the video?
Challenging a worldview Why do evolutions get so upset when Christians reject evolution? Why do evolutions get so upset when Christians reject evolution? Why should we as Christians sometimes be more upset than we are about the doctrine of evolution? Why should we as Christians sometimes be more upset than we are about the doctrine of evolution?
How do we respond? Why is it hard for an atheist to maintain faith? Why is it hard for an atheist to maintain faith? Romans 1:20 Romans 1:20 What is the basis of a Christian’s testimony to others? What is the basis of a Christian’s testimony to others? 1 Corinthians 1: Corinthians 1:18-25
Witnessing True conflict between evolution and creation is the conflict between worldviews True conflict between evolution and creation is the conflict between worldviews In order to combat evolution, you have to start at the center: the worldview In order to combat evolution, you have to start at the center: the worldview We must learn what, how, and why an evolutionist believes in order to effectively witness to him or her We must learn what, how, and why an evolutionist believes in order to effectively witness to him or her
My worldview vs. Your worldview Christians are used to the idea of competing religions, gods, and beliefs Christians are used to the idea of competing religions, gods, and beliefs E.g., Many of us have had many civil discussions with Muslims, Catholics, and even Baptists... E.g., Many of us have had many civil discussions with Muslims, Catholics, and even Baptists... Why is the conversation so different when you talk to another person about evolution? Why is the conversation so different when you talk to another person about evolution?
Implications of a worldview Center – What is here? God vs. ME Beliefs – What is true? God’s word vs. man’s reason Values- What is important? God’s commands vs whatever works Confession- What is the sum of beliefs? Christ crucified vs. on our own Behavior – What are the actions? Living for our beliefs, e.g., understanding how the world works Artifacts - What are the material possessions? Icythus vs. a Darwin fish on your car WORLDVIEW DIAGRAM
Identifying the religion in science Both Evolution and Creationism have scientific and religious components Both Evolution and Creationism have scientific and religious components The key to discussing evolution/creation like any other worldview difference is to identify those components The key to discussing evolution/creation like any other worldview difference is to identify those components E.g., The repeatable vs. non-repeatable events we can study E.g., The repeatable vs. non-repeatable events we can study
Some terms that may help Regularity – repeatable, testable event that is so consistent people may depend on it (Ecc. 11:3) Regularity – repeatable, testable event that is so consistent people may depend on it (Ecc. 11:3) Singularity – a one-time event made up of regularities (Luke 13:4) Singularity – a one-time event made up of regularities (Luke 13:4) Operation science – scientific study of how regularities interact or operate together Operation science – scientific study of how regularities interact or operate together Origin science – study of how regularities might have played a role in the origin of the universe, animal life, plant life, and humans Origin science – study of how regularities might have played a role in the origin of the universe, animal life, plant life, and humans
Biblical examples of worldview conflict Paul and the Athenians – Acts 17:16-34 Paul and the Athenians – Acts 17:16-34 What components of the Athenian’s worldview did Paul identify? What components of the Athenian’s worldview did Paul identify? How did he use those them to witness to them? How did he use those them to witness to them? Paul & Silas and the jailer – Acts 16: Paul & Silas and the jailer – Acts 16: What happens when a worldview is destroyed? What happens when a worldview is destroyed?
Examples of religion strongly influencing science Explaining the origin of life Explaining the origin of life Possibility A: Life occurred by spontaneous, self- generation Possibility A: Life occurred by spontaneous, self- generation Possibility B: Some sort of intelligence was first and it caused life to begin Possibility B: Some sort of intelligence was first and it caused life to begin Many scientists (both Christian and Atheist) have calculated the likelihood of Possibility A Many scientists (both Christian and Atheist) have calculated the likelihood of Possibility A
Origin of Life The trouble is that there are about two thousand enzymes, and the chance of obtaining them all in a random trail is only one part in , an outrageously small probability that could not be faced even if the whole universe consisted of organic soup. – Sir Fred Hoyle & N.C. Wickramasinghe The trouble is that there are about two thousand enzymes, and the chance of obtaining them all in a random trail is only one part in , an outrageously small probability that could not be faced even if the whole universe consisted of organic soup. – Sir Fred Hoyle & N.C. Wickramasinghe For a simple gene of only 300 sequences the “odds against” have been calculated as one followed by 130 zeros, to one. … It is, then, small wonder that most scientists have come to the conclusion that sequenced DNA and proteins cannot be attributed to chance alone. – Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith For a simple gene of only 300 sequences the “odds against” have been calculated as one followed by 130 zeros, to one. … It is, then, small wonder that most scientists have come to the conclusion that sequenced DNA and proteins cannot be attributed to chance alone. – Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith
Imagination and Interpretation Statistically speaking, both estimates are “impossible” Statistically speaking, both estimates are “impossible” For evolutionists, possibility A is all their worldview allows For evolutionists, possibility A is all their worldview allows Seek out evidence that shows life exists elsewhere (e.g., Mars) Seek out evidence that shows life exists elsewhere (e.g., Mars) Thus, life must have evolved in an older part of the universe Thus, life must have evolved in an older part of the universe Possibility B requires much less imagination Possibility B requires much less imagination
Summary So far we have discussed how to witness based on the center of a person’s worldview So far we have discussed how to witness based on the center of a person’s worldview But what about people who are genuinely stuck on the more concrete points of evolution? (e.g., other Christians, students, etc.) But what about people who are genuinely stuck on the more concrete points of evolution? (e.g., other Christians, students, etc.) Next few weeks will focus on more concrete points/arguments we may face as Christians Next few weeks will focus on more concrete points/arguments we may face as Christians