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Microcomputers I – CE 320 Electrical and Computer Engineering Kettering University Jaerock Kwon, Ph.D.
Dragon 12-Plus Development Board D-Bug12 MiniIDE
Today’s Topics Introduction of Labs Dragon12-Plus Development Board DBUG12 commands MiniIDE
Introduction of Labs See the syllabus
Dragon12-Plus Development Board HCS12/9S12 based development board. Manual can be found at –
Layout of Lab Settings Users can communicate with the Dragon 12 plus through the serial communication ports – Small monitor program on the Dragon 12 plus (D-Bug12) – Users can type commands, download programs, and get/display output from the Dragon 12 plus. Serial Communication Serial Communication
Memory Map
Hardware Descriptions LEDs DIP switch and pushbuttons* 7-segment LED * Keypad LCD display Dual RS232 communication ports – DB9 female connectors
D-Bug12 Basically D-Bug12 is a software program that interprets commands that a user types in. You can interact with the microcontroller through D-Bug12 command. – Download your program – See/manipulate contents of memory and registers A Debug Monitor for the MC68HC912B32 Microcontroller
D-Bug12 Command Set BF - Block Fill user memory with data. BR - Set/Display user breakpoints. G - Go. Begin execution of user program. LOAD - Load user program in S-Record format. MD - Memory Display. Display memory contents in hex bytes/ASCII format. MM - Memory Modify. Interactively examine/change memory contents. NOBR - Remove one/all user breakpoints. RD - Register Display. Display the CPU register contents. RM - Register Modify. Interactively examine/change CPU register contents. T - Trace. Execute an instruction, disassemble it, and display the CPU registers. - Set CPU to Frequently used ones
MiniIDE In order to communicate with the Dragon 12 Plus, we need to have/use – Terminal program to send typed inputs to the board and see the output from it. – Assembler to assemble the assembly program. – Text editor to edit assembly program The IDE is a integrated tool for all of above. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) – Source code editor, assembler, and etc. MiniIDE is an IDE for HCS12 assembly programming – You can download the software at
MiniIDE Source code editor Output of assembler Terminal window
Wrap-up Dragon12-Plus Development Board DBUG12 commands MiniIDE What we’ve learned
What to Come Lab sessions start next Tuesday at AB-2817